\documentclass[12 pt,letter]{article} \begin{document} \newcommand{\composer}[1]{\begin{flushright}{\textsl{#1}}\end{flushright}} \newcommand{\lilytitle}[2]{\begin{center}{\LARGE{\textbf{#1}}\\\Large{#2}}\end{center}} \newcommand{\lilycontentsline}[1]{\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}} \lilycontentsline{Arise, get up, my deere,} \lilytitle{Arise, get up, my deere,}{ Cantus} \composer{ Thomas Morley} \lilypondfile{cantus.ly} \clearpage \lilytitle{Arise, get up, my deere,}{ Altus} \composer{ Thomas Morley} \lilypondfile{altus.ly} \clearpage \lilytitle{Arise, get up, my deere,}{ Bassus} \composer{ Thomas Morley} \lilypondfile[11pt]{bassus.ly} \footnotetext{ The original has a cut time in the bassus, but C in altus and cantus, so I} \footnotetext{ have treated this as an error.} \footnotetext{(1) Original is f quarter note} \footnotetext{(2) Original is an eighth note} \footnotetext{(3) Original is a half note.} \clearpage \end{document}