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From: Joerg Anders
Subject: Linux:noteedit:crescendo/trills/fermata
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 21:04:28 +0200 (CEST)

noteedit-1.13.0 is available:

new features: (Thanks to                       |
Christian Fasshauer <address@hidden>):         |
 - fermata (see/hear example9.not)             |  Beethoven's_5th_symphony.not
 - trills (see/hear example9.not)              |  
 - (de-)crescendo (see/hear example9.not)      |    Thanks to Petr Cvikl
 - (almost) all dialogs are new                |
furthermore:                                   |  <address@hidden>
 - sforzato, portato, strong pizzicato,        |
   sforzando                                   |

Possible Problems

1.) Because the  syntax of trills and (de-)crescendo is relatively complicated
    I implemented a YACC/LEX based input. But (my) YACC produces (one line of) 
    C++ incompatible output (also options "-fno-strict-prototype", 
    or "-traditional-cpp" do not help). So I correct this be means of the "sed".
    I hope other YACCs/LEXs on different systems do not produce different 
    C++ incompatibilities. Otherwise let me know! Send me the error message and
    the file ""!

2.) Noteedit playes the (de-)crescendo using a special fade in/fade out property
    of the soundcard. Unfortunately this feature is not supported by all
    soundcards. So if the replay of (de-)crescendo causes unexpected results
    use the "--without-fadein" option! 

other features:

   - insertion/deletion/modification of notes, rests, dotted notes/rests,
     tied notes, slured notes, clefs with/without shift, time signatures,
     key signatures, volume signatures, tempo signatures, triplets, repeat
     groups with/without special ending and instrument changes on different
   - stem up/down
   - zoom
   - building chords;
   - building groups of beamed notes;
   - playing on /dev/sequencer (if correctly configured) whereby:
        o giving each staff a different voice;
        o giving each staff a different channel;
        o giving each staff a different reverbation and chorus;
        o highlighting the played notes;
        o muting staffs;
   - lyrics
   - export MusiXTeX;
   - export PMX;
   - export MIDI;
   - import MIDI;
   - read from MIDI keyboard;
   - Application of MIDI event filters to eliminate
     some dirty effects (especially on human played MIDI files);
   - record from MIDI keyboard;
   - saving an restoring the files. The fileformat is similarily to the
     format of the music publication program (MUP). So you if you are a MUP
     user you have the possibility to convert the files into MIDI and
     Postscript. But this is no longer necessary because noteedit can export
     MusiXTeX, PMX and MIDI.

J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY (address@hidden)

J.Anders, Chemnitz, GERMANY (address@hidden)

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