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Re: German Localisation of GNU Enterprise

From: Reinhard Mueller
Subject: Re: German Localisation of GNU Enterprise
Date: 05 Apr 2003 11:11:38 +0200


Am Sam, 2003-04-05 um 10.36 schrieb Gueven Bay:
> On your web-site I tried to find a link to a German version of the site,the
> documentation an so on. I don't succeed :-(

The GNU Enterprise project faces very active development. Things like
documentation and the web site still tend to change frequently. We had
translations of earlier versions our websites into several languages,
but as the websites changed, the translations became heavily outdated
and we decided to remove them and only maintain the English version for
the time being.

However, certain parts of the web site have again become quite static
since then, and if you'd like to volunteer to translate at least those
parts into German, I'm sure our webmasters can give you further advice
on how to do so.

The main reason that we don't have translations of our current web site
is that nobody had the time to write them lately. So we'd be thankful if
you would want to help.

Thank you,
Reinhard Mueller
GNU Enterprise project

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