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Re: [GNUe] Problems with GNUe under Vista 64

From: Peter Sullivan
Subject: Re: [GNUe] Problems with GNUe under Vista 64
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 19:46:12 +0000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20090812)

Duane Kaufman wrote:

My name is Duane Kaufman, and I am new to GNUe. I thought I would give it a test drive on a Vista64 machine here at work.

I installed the Windows binaries (Question: is this the _only_ sanctioned way to install this, or can I install source, if I meet the dependencies?)
No, you can install from source if you prefer. As you say, you then have to resolve the dependencies yourself, and without the aid of a nice package management system like apt or rpm. But if you want to run anything other than the most recent release version (e.g. release candidates or even the nightly snapshots), this is the better way of doing it. The Windows binaries are there simply as an alternative for wusses and Windows users (bearing in mind these two groups tend to be fairly closely co-related -- especially if I'm anything to go by!).

I would have sworn that there was a list of dependencies, along with links to some of the harder-to-find ones, somewhere on the website. But of course now I'm looking for it, I can't actually find it...

Peter Sullivan <address@hidden>

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