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Re: [gnugo-devel] (no subject)

From: aquarius
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] (no subject)
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 01:21:02 +0100
User-agent: Opera7.22/Win32 M2 build 3221

Am Thu, 25 Mar 2004 16:53:25 -0500 schrieb gillenwaters <address@hidden>:

I haven’t played GO in about 23 years and I would like to find a “complete”
program that would let me “get back into it” before I tackle the GO rooms on
the Web.

What would you suggest?


You are a bit unclear about what you are looking for ...

e.g. - what is the desired operating system?
     - are you willing to spend money? (in order to get a even more “complete”
       program with a GO tutorial, yoseki database or other features)
     - is open-source / GPL a criterion?

In case you want to try Gnu Go I suggest reading the post at:

and follow-ups. Most Information given there applies to Windows, Mac etc. as 

For short: To make Gnu Go “complete” simply combine it with a
           graphical front-end that fits your taste and platform.

Depending on your platform you could also try out several shareware or 
programs if they offer a $$-free testing period that suffices to “get you back 
it” and that are not limited to 9x9 Go while testing. One of those would be:

(weaker than Gnu Go, even weaker in the 30 days testing time, but it comes
 with a joseki tutor and no other severe restrictions while testing. It's
 Windows only but it should run fine in Wine/Bochs/VMware/Virtual PC etc.)

more programs can be found here:


and here:

Another approach would be to join a Go room and play some "robots" first ;-)

Gnu Go runs (at least) on the Go servers nngs, kgs, igs ...
there may be other "bots" as well but sometimes they are hard to spot ;-)

If you need more help running Gnu Go, please feel free to ask again.

happy go - ing,



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