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[gnugo-devel] Extending Go onto 3D graphs

From: Lewey Geselowitz
Subject: [gnugo-devel] Extending Go onto 3D graphs
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 2004 18:07:34 -0700 (PDT)

To whom it may concern:
  I've been working on extending the standard game of Go onto arbitrary 3D graphs. To this end I've developed Freed Go (which recently appeared on the front page of SlashDot games). What I was wondering is if the GnuGo artificial intelligence could be modified to work over an arbitrary undirected-graph of stone positions? This would allow playing the game over mobius strips, spheres, cylinders or special flat surfaces with 3, 5 or 6 neighbors (as seen in Freed Go). This I see as a major tool to help students more conceptually understand game, and force them to not see static patterns but rather the principals of each pattern which make it a good move. For instance a mobius strip only have one edge, a cylinder has only two. Just as the original Go players tried to learn through parrot fashion each correct move, we should take the next step up and look at techniques which exist in any manifestation of Go and not merely the standard one.
  The actual rules of Go, can be easily extended onto an arbitrary graph: Each "dragon" of connected nodes which does not connect to an empty position is killed. For this reason I believe the same principals which power GnuGo should play a fair game in Freed Go. I would love to hear your thoughts on this issue. Thank you very much for your time.
  -Lewey Geselowitz

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