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Re: [gnugo-devel] Re: Improved XPM's

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Re: Improved XPM's
Date: 04 Nov 2004 15:45:14 -0500

<address@hidden> writes:

   There's still a problem, because after : undo the board
   is not in its correct state.

   Shouldn't the board be redrawn after every gtp command
   issued with : ? (Though maybe just loadsgf and undo are
   enough, I'm not sure.)

i guess i need to do what i've been avoiding doing (out of
laziness): configuring gnugo.el handling of each command on a
case by case basis.  for example, both `loadsgf' and `undo'
require redrawing the board, but `get_komi' and `worm_stones'
do not, instead requiring another type of handling altogether.
the support is all there (under "Load-time actions"), it's
just a matter of finding a couple free hours.  perhaps this

   Also ^L doesn't redraw the board. To redraw the board
   you  have to issue C-u M-x gnugo-refresh RET.

`C-l' is bound to `gnugo-refresh', so you can do `C-u C-l' as
a shortcut for the longer key sequence.  ideally, you would
never need to do `C-u C-l' -- its requirement indicates a
problem somewhere, either incomplete specification (as is the
case currently), or some other badness.  the docstring for
`gnugo-refresh' hints at this, but the docstring for
`gnugo-board-mode' does not (yet) refer to `gnugo-refresh'.


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