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Re: [gnugo-devel] tiny boards

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] tiny boards
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 2004 17:43:01 -0800

> Initially seven testcases fail. Number 1, 101, and 201 should be
> easily solved by revising fuseki.c. 104 and 202 are basically "invade
> eyespace to make seki" problems (currently most easily solved by
> adding patterns). 207 and 209 are possibly okay, but I haven't checked
> and it might depend on the rules used.

Test tiny:209 is quite interesting.

The answer A2 leads to seki, but B can also try D2.  W can
make a ko at A2 but B will have the first capture. In this
case B kills everything. However W can play C4 in answer to
D2 which leads to 10,000 year ko:

PB[Daniel Bump]
PW[GNU Go 3.7.1]

This becomes seki since neither player can fill the ko, but
if we consider the local game (hypothetically as a summand
in a larger game involving several boards) it's not quite
the same.


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