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[gnugo-devel] regressions and bugs

From: Emanuele
Subject: [gnugo-devel] regressions and bugs
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2007 12:31:40 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird (Windows/20060516)

Hi people.

First, thanks to everybody for this nice project.

It's many years I use GNU Go and I will be happy
to contribute a little.

I know C language but my last acivity as professional
programmer is dated 12 years ago, so I cant give much
help in writing code now (not in a short time).

Then I thougth I can start working on regressions.

Often using GNU Go I run up against "a bug" or,
better, a bad move that is clearly wrong,
especially in endgame and life and death problems.

The question is: if i find a position in wich the
program make a clear bad move, how can i contribute
without (still) have the ability to correct the code?

More in detail:

a) Can I increment the regression test suite with
sgf and tst files? And if yes who will decide if
the failed test is espected or not? Who has in
charge the regression branch?

b) Can I work on patterns without a deep study
of the source code (owl and combination)?

c) The example in attach is useful or not?
Wich criteria shuld I use to decide if a test
is useful?



loadsgf games/cisba/cisba01.sgf 223
1 reg_genmove white
#? [!H5]
2 reg_genmove white
#? [J10|A1]
PW[isamu oka (kosumino)]WR[3 kyu]PB[Emanuele Cisbani (cisba)]BR[6 
kyu]DT[2007-07-25,2007-11-28]PC[Dragon Go Server:]


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