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Re: [gnugo-devel] GNU Go 3.7.13

From: Olav Müller-Loose
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] GNU Go 3.7.13
Date: Sat, 27 Dec 2008 02:51:07 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081105)

Olav Müller-Loose schrieb:
VC++ 9 (Trial) and CMake 2.6 works fine with the suggested tarball, as far as I can say.
I have tested the 3.7.13 tarball with CMake 2.6 and Visual Studio 9 and Visual Studio 6.

CMake can also build Visual Studio 6 project files. The resulting project is different from the distributed gnugo.dsw project in 3.7.13. It looks much more up to date and can be immediatly compiled.

The type cast problem in owl.c still exist, but I can recommend to let CMake generate the
.dsw and .dsp files and distibute that version in future.

Btw. the generated config.h VERSION string is 3.7.11, because of config.h.cmake.

Unfortunatly CMake generates absolute pathes, so it's difficult to run the generated project files in a different environment. That's why I haven't attached my project files.
If you like to get them I will send them.

For Visual Studio 9 no .dsw or .dsp files are needed. Project files have the suffix .sln. The 3.7.13 compiles and has some MS specific warnings, but not the owl.c type cast warning as in Visual Studio 6. Because of absolute pathes, I haven't attached the files.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

Olav Müller-Loose

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