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Re: [gnugo-devel] gnugo emacs revisited

From: jung.jinki
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] gnugo emacs revisited
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 07:54:07 +0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.1.0

Hello Mr. Nguyen

Following is the result of commands you have suggested.
Testing environment is:
1. Emacs-24.3
2. Gnugo-3.8
3. Gnugo.el (2-2-8)

Right after "M-x gnugo" and "GNU Options: --mode gtp".

------------- Upper Window -------------------------------------------------------

For information about GNU Emacs and the GNU system, type C-h C-a.
Debug on Error enabled globally
Loading d:/myProgram/emacs-24.3/interface/gnugo.el (source)...
`flet' is an obsolete macro (as of 24.3); use either `cl-flet' or `cl-letf'. [7 times]
Loading d:/myProgram/emacs-24.3/interface/gnugo.el (source)...done
Entering debugger...

-------------- Lower Window ----------------------------------------------------------

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (args-out-of-range "" 0)
aref("" 0)
(let* ((col (aref value 0)) (one (+ 97 (- (if (< 72 col) (1- col) col) 65))) (two (+ 97 (- (gnugo-get :board-size) (string-to-number (substring value 1)))))) (format "%c%c" one two)) (if (string= "PASS" value) "tt" (let* ((col (aref value 0)) (one (+ 97 (- (if (< 72 col) (1- col) col) 65))) (two (+ 97 (- (gnugo-get :board-size) (string-to-number (substring value 1)))))) (format "%c%c" one two)))
(format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x))
(lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x)))("")
mapcar((lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x))) (""))
(apply (quote concat) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x)))) black-stones)) (gnugo-note :AB (apply (quote concat) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x)))) black-stones))) (if black-stones (gnugo-note :AB (apply (quote concat) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" (gnugo-gtp-to-sgf x)))) black-stones)))) (let ((g-blackp (string= "black" (gnugo-get :gnugo-color))) (black-stones (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones black") " ")) (white-stones (split-string (gnugo-query "list_stones white") " "))) (mapc (function (lambda (x) (apply (quote gnugo-note) x))) (list (quote (:GM 1)) (quote (:FF 4)) (list (quote :DT) (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d")) (list (quote :RU) (gnugo-get :rules)) (list (quote :HA) (gnugo-get :handicap)) (list (quote :SZ) (gnugo-get :board-size)) (list (quote :KM) (gnugo-get :komi)) (list (quote :AP) (format "gnugo.el:%s" gnugo-version)) (list (if g-blackp :PW :PB) (user-full-name)) (list (if g-blackp :PB :PW) (concat "GNU Go " (gnugo-query "version"))))) (if black-stones (gnugo-note :AB (apply (quote concat) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" ...))) black-stones)))) (if white-stones (gnugo-note :AW (apply (quote concat) (mapcar (function (lambda (x) (format "[%s]" ...))) white-stones)))))
(if (and (not new-game) (< 0 n) (y-or-n-p (format "GNU Go game%s in progress, resume play? " (if (= 1 n) "" "s")))) (switch-to-buffer (cdr (if (= 1 n) (car all) (let ((sel (completing-read "Which one? " all nil t))) (if (string= "" sel) (car all) (assoc sel all)))))) (gnugo-board-mode) (let ((half (ash (1+ (gnugo-get :board-size)) -1))) (gnugo-goto-pos (format "A%d" half)) (forward-char (* 2 (1- half))) (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos (gnugo-put :center-position (get-text-property (point) (quote gnugo-position))))) (if (and (fboundp (quote display-images-p)) (display-images-p)) (progn (gnugo-toggle-image-display) (gnugo-refresh t))) (gnugo-put :game-start-time (current-time)) (let ((g (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)) (n (gnugo-get :handicap)) (u (gnugo-get :user-color))) (gnugo-put :last-mover g) (if (or (and (string= "black" u) (< 1 n)) (and (string= "black" g) (< n 2))) (progn (gnugo-put :last-mover u) (gnugo-refresh t) (gnugo-get-move g))))) (let* ((all (let (acc) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- ...) buf) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq buf ...) (if ... ...) (setq --dolist-tail-- ...)))) acc)) (n (length all))) (if (and (not new-game) (< 0 n) (y-or-n-p (format "GNU Go game%s in progress, resume play? " (if (= 1 n) "" "s")))) (switch-to-buffer (cdr (if (= 1 n) (car all) (let ((sel ...)) (if (string= "" sel) (car all) (assoc sel all)))))) (gnugo-board-mode) (let ((half (ash (1+ (gnugo-get :board-size)) -1))) (gnugo-goto-pos (format "A%d" half)) (forward-char (* 2 (1- half))) (gnugo-put :last-user-bpos (gnugo-put :center-position (get-text-property (point) (quote gnugo-position))))) (if (and (fboundp (quote display-images-p)) (display-images-p)) (progn (gnugo-toggle-image-display) (gnugo-refresh t))) (gnugo-put :game-start-time (current-time)) (let ((g (gnugo-get :gnugo-color)) (n (gnugo-get :handicap)) (u (gnugo-get :user-color))) (gnugo-put :last-mover g) (if (or (and (string= "black" u) (< 1 n)) (and (string= "black" g) (< n 2))) (progn (gnugo-put :last-mover u) (gnugo-refresh t) (gnugo-get-move g))))))
call-interactively(gnugo record nil)
command-execute(gnugo record)
execute-extended-command(nil "gnugo")
call-interactively(execute-extended-command nil nil)

2013-11-12 오후 9:00, address@hidden 쓴 글:
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Today's Topics:

    1. Re: gnugo emacs revisited (Thien-Thi Nguyen)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 09:15:45 +0100
From: Thien-Thi Nguyen <address@hidden>
To: address@hidden
Cc: GNU Go development <address@hidden>
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] gnugo emacs revisited
Message-ID: <address@hidden>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

() JinKi Jung <address@hidden>
() Mon, 11 Nov 2013 16:23:42 +0000 (GMT)

    3. GNU GO options : --mode gtp

    I see "Args out of range: "", 0"

    4. [...] 5. [...] 6. [...]

    I see "Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil"

    7. Using arrow key , I place my stone

    But also I see "Wrong type argument: number-or-marker-p, nil"

    8. Program say "(white to play)"

    9. Then no response from program

Unfortunately, i cannot reproduce the problem, having no access to such
a system.  Fortunately, the error messages are not entirely unfamiliar.
All these point to a mishandling of output from the gnugo child process.
In a new Emacs session, could you please do:

  M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET

and then retry up through step 3?  If a buffer *Backtrace* appears,
you can post the contents of that buffer to continue our investigation.
If something else happens, that could be useful to describe, too.

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