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Re: [Gnumed-devel] re: non-serializability detection

From: catmat
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] re: non-serializability detection
Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 01:11:47 +1100
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Karsten Hilbert wrote:

thanks, didn't follow up the original posting.
wonder why no one responded,  the need to do your own transactioning
ontop of the postgres transactioning for the class of applications where
transactions are interactive rather than batch seems an important issue.
And hence has been hashed out elsewhere most likely and those
in the know don't intend to hash it out again and again
whenever some noob stumbles upon it.

at least they could say "tsk, tsk, this comes up every x months or so; please see ... <href>"
which is both patronizing , yet politer ;)

Maybe the whole thing is just an embarassment for the transactional database designer.

Maybe postgres transactions should have  a non-blocking option which
returns an exception instead of blocking on concurrent writing.
That comes up every now and then and a NOBLOCK SQL modifier
has been discussed (apparently it exists in Other
Databases(tm)) but hasn't come to fruition in any way.

( Can anyone get set transaction isolation level serializable
to abort a concurrent write, instead of blocking ? Doesn't seem to work on
my postgres installation.)
Not that I know.

what I get is the ability to read committed updates of other transactions,
when I set ... serializable ; this makes it no different from set trans. isolation read committed , or what am I missing?

the auditing function's audit id could also be used, because it's acting as
an object version id.
True but that depends on our triggers to be there and work
while xmin is handle for us by PostgreSQL and thus more
likely to work properly at all times. Also, the semantics are
just about right because xmin stores the modifying transaction
ID and our initial question is "did another transaction modify
our row ?". Also, people could conceivably fiddle with the
audit id deliberately.

not when permissions are set ;)

actually, what I don't like is how unportable using xmin seems ,
what if someone wanted to use maxdb or firebird instead?

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