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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Patient screen concerns (labeling and search)

From: James Busser
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Patient screen concerns (labeling and search)
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2008 14:22:03 -0800

On 20-Jan-08, at 12:01 PM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:

- change the text next to the search box to be "Search"
You mean "Patient" -> "Search" ?

- change what was previously "Patient" to be "Found" (since it may be a
member of office staff)
Not sure I can follow particularly with the statement above
this one.

My fault... btw earlier when I pointed out that staff were not patients, I was not complaining about the paradigm, I was just making a case to remove the word "Patient" since it is implied even without the word. More-helpful words would identify the context of the name that is showing, words like "Search" versus 'Found" (or "Current")

The confusing part, and the risk for error, is when there is name text on the screen that does not belong to the patient. Not all widgets reproduce the name of the patient within themselves, for example "Import Documents"... you are then faced with a screen that provides no patient identification other than what is in the search box. Without a photo (or without one that you recognize), and without some instance of the patient name *outside* the search box, you lose your mental connection to the patient. It is not enough to have in the name also in the window titlebar to the right of GNUMed [Dr. L. McCoy...] as that is essentially invisible.

See screenshot, in which I do not intend both of Found and Current, just one (or none -- see discussion below).

I think it would be really helpful, once any person / patient is found, to *flush* the text from the search box display and instead place, and in the *grey* area that lies immediately below the search box / caveats, but *above* the widgets, display the patient name and some additional details that are useful to keep visible so you do not always have to go back and forth to the Patient details tab to things like date of birth, sex etc. --- this could remain available and visible as one tabs across the various tabs (subject to having to update the screen but maybe immediate refresh is acceptable

I don;t even really think that "Found" is needed... the patient (person) name could be positioned right next to the (place provided for the) photo but am OK for Found to be kept.

Visually it would look nice to, only it points out that to repeat the name inside the top "handle" of the EMR tree seems a little redundant. It might help a little to rename that "EMR tree of ..." but only if you think it is essential to keep the name in this handle... otherwise it could just be called "EMR tree". :-)

to forego). See screenshot.

PNG image

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