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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Possible failure of GNUmed to void duplicate values o

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Possible failure of GNUmed to void duplicate values on a key
Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 17:21:47 +0000

BTW  I have a related further idea / request / suggestion… I can put this into 
a Launchpad feature request, if desired…

Here is what had happened … sitting next to me had been the paper chart of a 
new patient who I had believed myself to have created yesterday. He is a 
patient whose name I did not retain very well… an eastern european name of the 

        Bond … ski, Walter (goes by Wally)

however the ergonomics of my workspace are poor -- I cannot have the computer 
and paper chart side by side -- and so, in the search box, I had mistyped

        Bod, Wal

and got no matches. Human error, yes, but one that risks to create problems in 
patient care, because I then went on to create a duplicate, relative to the 
patient who *already* existed, spelt

        Bond… Walter

Here is my idea … in the new patient creation window, before proceeding to 
commit the inputted data and create a new patient,

- can the middleware check whether the lastname, first initial, and date of 
birth already exist?
- can this state be communicated into the patient creation widget

        Name and date of birth already exist

and can the widget grow a checkbox

        [   ] ignore existing name and date of birth

so that if the checkbox is not checked, the widget allows the user to abort the 
new patient creation, or to check the box and proceed?

-- Jim

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