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[Gnumed-devel] EMR tree right-pane Synopsis - bu tton 'Edit' --> New not

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] EMR tree right-pane Synopsis - bu tton 'Edit' --> New notes …
Date: Thu, 1 Aug 2013 00:27:04 +0000

Currently (1.3.x) within and at right of the EMR tree, a button is offered. labelled 'Edit'

In actual fact, no matter what (if anything) is selected in the left pane, it makes no difference to the outcome when one then clicks the 'Edit' button (IOW the user is not 'editing' any existing value) but will, instead, be offered the ability to enter new soap notes.

It is possible for them to achieve this without resort to the 'Edit' button, for example they can achieve it from inside any of the left-pane items, with a control-click evoking the contextual menu 'Create progress note".

What is different about actioning the Edit button is that it defaults the user into a 'new problem' notelet. Mind you, there is no requirement for the user to input into or save this "new problem" notelet, however there is not much advantage to evoke the Edit button if your intention is to create a new note keyed under one of the existing problems, since you would still have to contextual-click on the desired problem.

So … I request / suggest that 'Edit' be relabelled either

New notes ...

because it remains contextually meaningful, during any toggling back and forth between

New notes …



which BTW can I request / suggest be

Browse …

because the button does not itself complete anything ... it depends on additional user action in order for the 'Browsing" to be achieved. :-)

-- Jim

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