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Re: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed in a webbrowser

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed in a webbrowser
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2013 20:59:52 +0200
User-agent: KMail/4.11.2 (Linux/3.8.0-32-generic; KDE/4.11.2; i686; ; )



> Wow, now that's a real *innovation*.


> Thirty years of technological advancement for an actual regression in

> end-user productivity.


> > to look up information in a GNUmed database and to store information

> > in a GNUmed database.

> >

> > Why is this an interesting concept ? Because it allows a user with

> > few ressources to access information.


> Certainly not for users with "few ressources".


> A user with "few ressources" won't even be able to install or start up a

> "modern" "web browser" at all.



I see. Then someone needs to produce an lean webbrowser (if that is possible)..

> While running a stripped-down Linux distribution with a wxPython

> client is perfectly feasible on something with, e.g. 128MB RAM or so.



That is certainly true. I run a notebook from 2005 on Ubuntu 10.04 which is faster then my modern notebook.

> > I also allows you to access information in environments where you

> > don't have access to your fully tailored working environment (your

> > own devices).


> Make the client "portable" (self-contained, on the Mac this is the

> mandatory default anyway), to run it off a USB device without requiring

> "installation" of anything. On *all* operating systems.



It is portable already on Windows. On Mac we have a portable version as well but it is badly outdated ( I don't have access to a Mac for updating the packages).


For Linux we could build portable versions. I have not seen demand for it (yet).


However with a webbrowser you would code once and ignore that different operating systems exist. I do know the pain to support different browsers.


Rest assured we will stick o fat clients . In an ideal world I would like to see a client that can be run across devices , anywhere and across operating systems without having to package for Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, openSUSE, Fedora , you name it and the Mac :-)


Open a browser on any device and connect. Forget about installing Postgresql the correct version, a minimum of QT or wxpython etc.


To wrap it up it seems that the browser and the underlying technologies need to be improved / innovated. But that does not defeat the concept of a dump viewer (browser) giving access to applications on fat servers.




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