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Re: Re[6]: Recent key-value encoding changes to NSObject.

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: Re[6]: Recent key-value encoding changes to NSObject.
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 19:29:02 +0000

On Monday, February 11, 2002, at 06:17 PM, Manuel Guesdon wrote:

| Option 2 ... as I described before, modify a few standard methods
| somewhat like this -
| - (BOOL) respondsToSelector: (SEL)aSel
| {
|    BOOL result = [super respondsToSelector: aSel];
|    if (result == NO && this_is_a_private_get_method(aSel))
|      return YES;
|    return result;
| }
| - (NSMethodSignature*) methodSignatureForSelector: (SEL)aSel
| {
| NSMethodSignature *sig = [super methodSignatureForSelector: aSel];
|    if (sig == nil && this_is_a_private_get_method(aSel))
|      return signature_of_method;
|    return imp;
| }
| - (IMP) methodForSelector: (SEL)aSel
| {
|    IMP        imp = [super methodForSelector: aSel];
| if (imp == forwarding_method && this_is_a_private_get_method(aSel))
|      return get_method;
|    return imp;
| }
| - (id) theGetMethod
| {
| // examine _cmd and fetch the appropriate value from the dictionary.
| }

I'n not sure I follow your demonstration :-)
The  "theGetMethod" is my "x -(id)a" method  ?
If yes, this is not good since "user" can't just put "|self storedValueForKey:@"..."] in it.

No. it would do something like this (actually, for performance you would probably use the objc runtime method sel_get_name() (I think) to get a cString and manipulate that ... only converting to an NSString
to use as the dictionary key).

- (id) theGetMethod
  NSString      *key = NSStringFromSelector(_cmd);

  if ([key hasPrefix: @"_"] == YES)
    key = [key substringFromIndex: 1];
  return [_values objectForKey: key];

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