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Cause of flickering title in load/save dialogs

From: Adrian Robert
Subject: Cause of flickering title in load/save dialogs
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 23:47:26 -0500

I've noticed and others have posted that the window title flickers for load and save dialogs (NSOpenPanel and NSSavePanel). I found this is caused by a call to [theSession->window orderFrontRegardless] in [NSApplication -runModalSession:], which itself is called repeatedly in a loop in [NSApplication -runModalForWindow:], once call per mouse movement event. Commenting this line out fixes the problem and seems to cause no ill effects (in limited testing).

There are a couple of other calls in runModalSession which seem questionable:

1) calls to -makeKeyWindow or -makeMainWindow (why can't these be done just once in -beginModalSessionForWindow: ?)

2) calls to updateServicesMenu and mainMenu update (if the given window is modally selected can the user even interact with the menus? why not call this once in -endModalSession:?)

Anyway, I'd like to at least move the -orderFrontRegardless: call to -beginModelSessionForWindow:, although not even this seems necessary at least on my particular system. On the other hand, maybe all this code is correct and something else is not working as expected -- e.g. the calling of -runModalSession: on every mouse movement sounds fishy. Thoughts?

(Sorry about all the random GUI questions, don't worry, after maybe 50 more of them I should be able to switch to answering instead of asking ;-)

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