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[gomd-devel] <LIBRARY> 3 new functions || <EXAMPLES> Removed hard code I

From: Gian Paolo Ghilardi
Subject: [gomd-devel] <LIBRARY> 3 new functions || <EXAMPLES> Removed hard code IP || <TEST SCRIPTS> Removed find/locate stuff
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2003 01:34:57 +0200

Hi all.

As suggested by Matt find/locate stuff were removed form compile.sh script.
Now we'll ask the user about enabling/disabling extra informations support
(libgtop2 is obviously required to enable this feature).

I've added 3 new functions in libgomd so you can open a conn with gomd, get
as many requests as you want and finally close the conn.  The function that
does the open-request-close sequence ("atomically") remains with the name
changed from getInfo() to getInfoAndCloseConn().

I've also removed the hard coded (remote gomd) IP in cppclient.cpp.
Now cppclient.cpp requires IP and port for remote gomd explicitly (you can
also specify them at cmd line, if you prefer).

The test scripts were reworked.
Now test2.sh (using libgtop) calls cppclient.app providing it the IP (port
is std, 9889).

Please test it up. ;)



IN compile.sh
NOTE: functions using find/locate to look for deps were removed (as required
by Matt => thanks, Matt!).
(+) added askForLibgtop2 function to ask the user if enable/disable extra
informations support (libgtop2 library required)
(-) removed findCommoncpp and findLibgtop function because superseeded by
askForLibgtop2 function

IN autotest/test1.sh
(+) added the note "using expect" to avoid confusion
(+) cosmetics

IN autotest/test2.sh
(+) added the note "using libgtop" to avoid confusion
(+) ask the user for local IP
(r) renamed executeProg function to startClient => the function now passes
the local IP (provided by the user) to cppclient.app (so we have hard-coded
IP no more!!!)
(+) cosmetics

IN lib/libgomd.cpp & lib/libgomd.h & lib/libiface.h
(r) renamed getInfo() to getInfoAndCloseConn()
(+) added openConn(), closeConn() and a brand new getInfo() o open a conn,
request infos, close conn ()
(+) cosmetics
NOTE: getInfoAndCloseConn = openConn + ([A LOT OF] * getInfo) + closeConn
Actually  getInfoAndCloseConn has the same code included in the three
function above => next release will use them not use the same code! ;)

IN lib/examples/cppclient.cpp
NOTE: removed hard coded IPs. ;)
(+) added cmd line support for remote Gomd IP & port (required). If the user
doesn't provide them at the cmd line, these two values will be explicitly

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