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Re: Bug-fixing and keystroke

From: Vladimir Serbinenko
Subject: Re: Bug-fixing and keystroke
Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 14:16:23 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2-1.3.2 (X11/20050324)

>Serbinenko Vladimir <address@hidden> writes:
>>/ 2) How can user call the help? Especially how can user know the/
>>/ available keys? Perhaps this question is more general and we have to/
>>/ extend "help" command?/
>How about something like `sendkeys --list-keys'.  Does that make

The problem is that sendkey is a variable. So we have no command.
I could also write a command but does it make sense to have command and
a variable?
The same problem we have with pager and root variables but while root is
set form the
beginning and quite intuitive, pager is intuitive but at the beginning
you don't see it so you
have to know that it exists but sendkey and kb_* are not very intuitive
and set only when
you load sendkey module.

P. S. I've just written the "hide", "unhide" and "parttype" commands.
Will send a patch after testing

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