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Unified name properties

From: Keisuke Nishida
Subject: Unified name properties
Date: 20 Sep 2000 04:50:14 -0400
User-agent: T-gnus/6.14.4 (based on Gnus v5.8.6) (revision 02) SEMI/1.13.7 (Awazu) Chao/1.14.0 (Momoyama) Emacs/20.7 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) MULE/4.1 (AOI)


There are lots of procedures that return the name of an object,
including procedure-name, macro-name, module-name, class-name, etc.

How about unifying these procedures by a single procedure `name',
using the new property scheme?

  (define name (make-object-property))

  (name assq) => assq
  (name <class>) => <class>

This is also compatible with generic functions.

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