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Re: add-on lib versioning (concrete example g-wrap) -- what to do?

From: Marius Vollmer
Subject: Re: add-on lib versioning (concrete example g-wrap) -- what to do?
Date: 14 Dec 2002 17:02:12 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Rob Browning <address@hidden> writes:

> FWIW I'd also like to point out that this is definitely a point
> against guile in the broader "which language should I use for X
> project" arena.  I've actually seen it have a negative impact.  I also
> suspect that unless we address this, it's may be difficult for our
> outside guile-core "add-on" base to grow and maintain much long-term
> stability.

But is it a genuine Guile problem?  What is the difference between
libguile and, say, libX11?  Libguile is changing incompatibly much
more often than libX11 is, and people don't want to have multiple
incompatible versions of libX11 on their system simultaneously.

So we should probably works towards that as well: we should give
people no reason to want to compile new software against Guile 1.4.
Why do they want this?

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