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Re: tagged string builder

From: Bill Gribble
Subject: Re: tagged string builder
Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2001 08:26:37 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.15i

On Mon, Mar 26, 2001 at 11:28:37AM +0200, Martin Grabmueller wrote:
> Just for those who are interested in generating HTML with Guile: Some
> time ago, I wrote a little skript for generating my personal pages,
> which is small, simple to use and closer to writing HTML (for example,
> you can use Emacs' html-mode without great problems.

Another data point: gnucash uses Guile to generate HTML for financial
reports.  We needed to have stylesheets/templates but the browser in
gnucash only supports HTML 3.2, so I put together a system that
generates the HTML at runtime from a structured set of records of
various types (<html-table>, <html-text>, etc), with inherited style

The style information is sort of similar to CSS but not exactly; it
also includes support for parameterizable "renderers" for Scheme data
types, with inheritable properties, so you can do things like say
numbers in a certain table column should be displayed to a certain
precision, and it has a template mechanism.

It looks way more like scheme than HTML, and it's a lot more verbose,
but it's really nice to be able to have runtime dynamic style
information when people are doing report customization.

(let ((doc (gnc:make-html-document)))
     "This is a paragraph of plain text. It can have "
     (gnc:html-markup-b "bold") " or " (gnc:html-markup "red" "red-colored")
     " text in the middle.  You might notice that <red> is not an HTML tag. "
     "That's OK because you can create your own semantic tags with the "
     "style system.")))

   doc "red"
   'font-color "red"
   'tag #f)
  (gnc:html-document-render doc))

<p>This is a paragraph of plain text. It can have <b>bold</b> or 
<font color=red>red-colored</font> text in the middle.  You might notice
that &lt;red&gt; is not an HTML tag.  That's OK because you can create your
own semantic tags with the style system.</p>


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