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GNU Guile-RPC 0.2 released

From: Ludovic Courtès
Subject: GNU Guile-RPC 0.2 released
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:51:46 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)


I am pleased to announce version 0.2 of GNU Guile-RPC:

The SHA-1 sum for these files are:

  27f28ed364972f1ba0704b80659678007f0554f5  guile-rpc-0.2.tar.gz
  52ec01461770bb654842778cd9c5193b9b3f2f6f  guile-rpc-0.2.tar.gz.sig

Further information, including documentation, is available at:

GNU Guile-RPC is an implementation of the ONC RPC and XDR standards, as
defined in RFC 1831 and RFC 4506, respectively.  It is released under
the LGPLv3 or later.  It allows the implementation of programs
("clients") that invoke procedures of other programs ("servers"),
possibly located on remote machines.  A well-known use of these
protocols is NFS (the Network File System).

GNU Guile-RPC is implemented entirely in Scheme, making use of
Guile-R6RS-Libs for binary I/O [0].  It currently lacks a compiler for
the XDR/RPC languages (the standard languages used to describe data
types and RPC interfaces).  Nevertheless, it should be easy to write XDR
and RPC interface definitions using Guile-RPC's API.  Another limitation
is that it currently only implements the null authentication flavor.  It
would certainly be useful to eventually implement `AUTH_UNIX', at least.

Excerpt from the `NEWS' file:

  * New in GNU Guile-RPC 0.2

  ** Incompatible changes
  *** Guile-R6RS-Libs >= 0.1 required
  *** `make-xdr-basic-type' now takes an optional `vector-encoder' argument

  ** New features (see manual for details)
  *** Server-side: asynchronous RPC reply
  *** Support for one-way/batched RPC calls
  *** XDR vectors can be represented as any Guile array type

  ** Improvements
  *** `xdr-type-size' and RPC calls have been optimized
  *** New benchmarking tools in the `benchmarks' directory

  ** Bug fixes
  *** `&xdr-type-error' now inherits from `&xdr-error'

  ** Packaging
  *** New `--with-guilemoduledir' configure option
  *** Switched from GNU Arch to Git for revision control

Note that this is an alpha release, meaning that the API is still
subject to change.

Please send bug reports and comments to the address@hidden'
mailing list.



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