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Re: Dumping guile's state and registering variables.

From: Bill Schottstaedt
Subject: Re: Dumping guile's state and registering variables.
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2001 05:54:59 -0800

> 1) Keep track of any user defined functions so I can dump them out as
> scheme code to allow them to be reloaded at a later execution.

I don't know how complex your situation is, but in the CVS guile you
can run through the module's "obarray" and see what's been defined.
I do this for a Tab-completion feature (abstracted code below);
if I remember right there's a way to find the procedure body as
a string, using the info the debugger keeps around -- scm_procedure_source
perhaps.  It might be cleaner to define a macro (in Scheme) that
does both the function definition and save.

static int scan_tab(SCM tab, char *text, int len, int matches)
  int i, j, n, curlen;
  char *sym;
  for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      SCM ls = SCM_VELTS(tab)[i], handle;
      while (SCM_NNULLP(ls))
          handle = SCM_CAR(ls);
          sym = SCM_SYMBOL_CHARS(SCM_CAR(handle));
          if (strncmp(text, sym, len) == 0)
              if (current_match == NULL)
                current_match = strdup(sym);
                  curlen = strlen(current_match);
                  for (j = 0; j < curlen; j++)
                    if (current_match[j] != sym[j])
                        current_match[j] = '\0';
          ls = SCM_CDR(ls);

static int completions(char *text)
  int len, matches = 0;
  SCM curmod, uses;
  len = strlen(text);
  curmod = scm_current_module();
  matches = scan_tab(SCM_MODULE_OBARRAY(curmod),
                     text, len, 0);
  uses = SCM_MODULE_USES(curmod);
  while (SCM_CONSP(uses))
      matches = scan_tab(SCM_MODULE_OBARRAY(SCM_CAR(uses)),
                         text, len, matches);
      uses = SCM_CDR(uses);

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