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Re: SRFI-13 again [was: Re: string vs list processing]

From: Martin Grabmueller
Subject: Re: SRFI-13 again [was: Re: string vs list processing]
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 11:06:53 +0200 (MET DST)

> From: Dirk Herrmann <address@hidden>
> Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 09:24:51 +0200 (MEST)
> On Tue, 17 Apr 2001, Martin Grabmueller wrote:
> > Which reminds me: Have people thought about letting me integrate
> > SRFI-13 procedures yet?  I am no longer convinced that _all_ of these
> > procedures are needed, but things like `string-any',
> > `string-concatenate', `string-join', `string-pad', `string-trim'
> > etc. seem to be quite useful to me...
> IIRC there was not disagreement about integration, only about how this
> should be done, i. e. whether as a separate library (a la readline) or
> not.  I don't quite remember, however, if there was a conclusion yet.

Well, only a few people were commenting on this, so I wasn't sure what
The Right Thing was.

I had thought about just adding a directory `srfi' to the
distribution, which contains the SRFI-13 and SRFI-14 modules I wrote
and possibly others, and which installs the Scheme modules under


and the libraries under


Then no changes to the core would be necessary and the modules could
get loaded with (use-modules (srfi srfi-13)).

But as I am a bit conservative about what I do to CVS, I first wanted
some more comments and (hopefully) consensus whether this is the way
to go.

[ maybe I should just do as I please, and then let the maintainers
  throw out the useless parts??? ]

Which leads me to another problem: I think I'll have to change the
name of the modules, now that SRFI-14 is in.  The problem is that
SRFI-13 and SRFI-14 are not independent, as the string library uses
character sets.  Is there a possibility to make this dependency work
with compiled modules?

Or simpler: What happens when two Scheme modules load the same shared
library and each shared library installs primitives?  Do they get
defined twice, as two different procedures?


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