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Re: Embedding Guile and regexp problems

From: Alex Shinn
Subject: Re: Embedding Guile and regexp problems
Date: 28 Dec 2001 11:06:26 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.1

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony W Juckel <address@hidden> writes:

    Anthony> I've recently begun work on a GNUstep application for which
    Anthony> I would like to use guile as an extension/calculation
    Anthony> language.  Now, I've recently run into a roadblock.  I have
    Anthony> some scheme code which makes use of regular expressions,
    Anthony> and upon running that code, I get an exception, because
    Anthony> match:substring and string-match are unbound within my
    Anthony> embedded guile environment.  Now, I've checked the value of
    Anthony> *features* from within this embedded guile, and regex is
    Anthony> indeed included, and as this is the only step the
    Anthony> documentation cites to using regexp within guile I'm not
    Anthony> sure where to proceed from here.  Do I need to insert a
    Anthony> particular module, or perhaps link my application against a
    Anthony> particular library?

(use-modules (ice-9 regex)) ;; catch-22 in this case

;; should probably actually load the module or look at exports instead
;; of defines.  can hit dirs multiple times, really should have used ftw

(define find-procedure
  (let ((file-rx (make-regexp "\\.scm$"))
        (def-rx (make-regexp "^define")))
    (lambda (proc)
      (letrec ((matches '())
               (match-sym (if (symbol? proc) proc (string->symbol proc)))
                (lambda (f)
                  (let ((p (open-input-file f)))
                    (let loop ((x (read p)))
                      (cond ((eof-object? x)
                             (close p))
                             (if (pair? x)
                               (let ((a (car x)) (b (cdr x)))
                                 (if (and (symbol? a)
                                           (symbol->string a))
                                          (pair? b))
                                   (let ((var (car b)))
                                     (if (pair? var) (set! var (car var)))
                                     (if (eq? match-sym var)
                                       (set! matches (cons (cons var f)
                             (loop (read p))))))))
                (lambda (d)
                  (let ((p (opendir d)))
                    (readdir p) ;; .
                    (readdir p) ;; ..
                    (let loop ((f (readdir p)))
                      (cond ((eof-object? f)
                             (closedir p))
                             (if (regexp-exec file-rx f)
                               ;; looks like scheme
                               (catch #t
                                 (lambda () (find-in-file (string-append d "/" 
                                 (lambda args (warn (string-append
                                                     "error reading from " f))))
                               ;; recurse dirs
                               (let ((file (string-append d "/" f)))
                                 (and (access? file R_OK)
                                      (eq? 'directory (stat:type (lstat file)))
                                      (find-in-dir file))))
                             (loop (readdir p)))))))))
        (for-each find-in-dir %load-path)
        (reverse matches)))))

;; print the output

 (lambda (x) (format #t "~A: ~A\n" (car x) (cdr x)))
 (find-procedure 'string-match))

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