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Stack Size?

From: Robert Uhl <address@hidden>
Subject: Stack Size?
Date: 05 Aug 2002 03:27:37 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) Emacs/21.2

I have the following empirical-integral function defined:

(define (integral func from to)
  (define step (/ (- to from) 2048))
  (define (my-int func from to)
    (if (>= from to)
        (func to)
        (+ (func from) (my-int func (+ from step) to))))
  (my-int func from to))

I recognise that this may not be the most attractive of ways to do it,
but it should do the job.  Unfortunately, the following sequence of
actions causes a stack overflow:

(define (q x) (- 10 (* 8 x)))
(integral q 0 1.25)

How deep can guile's stack be?  This example does _not_ crash on
umb-scheme, which is interesting.  Can anyone suggest a workaround?

Robert Uhl <address@hidden>
Fight to your last cartridge, then fight with your bayonets.
No surrender.  Fight to the death.
                  --Gen. Henri Guisan, Switzerland, July '40

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