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Re: GOOPS: define-method* with extended lambda-list-syntax?

From: Mikael Djurfeldt
Subject: Re: GOOPS: define-method* with extended lambda-list-syntax?
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2003 11:49:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090017 (Oort Gnus v0.17) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Anders Vinjar <address@hidden> writes:

> A question for anyone having a better knowledge than me about
> development around GOOPS.  
> In translating a piece of CLTL to Guile, I would need a
> procedure/macro define-method* which gives access to extended
> lambda-list syntax (ie. with #:optional #:key etc) parameters.
> Q: is there something like this available anywhere already?


> Q2: if not, is having this in CLOS a big design-flaw, making my
> attempts here just silly?

I don't think they are silly.

> I did an attempt at building a define-method* macro, which sort
> of works, but it seems very inefficient.

Well, perhaps not very inefficient.

> (define-method* (f (x <real>) (y <top>) #:optional z)
>     'real-top)
> expands into 2 calls on add-method! - one with specialiser for
>         (list <real> <top>)
> - the other for
>         (list <real> <top> <top>)
> The procedure-slot is the same for both methods.

It might be good to "fold in" the functionality of lambda* so that you
can have some decisions already made by method dispatch.

> (defmacro define-method* (name-pars . body)
>   (let ((name (car name-pars))
>       (pars (cdr name-pars)))
>     (multiple-value-bind
>         (reqs opts rest keys aok? auxs)
>       (parse-lambda-list pars)
>       (let* ((specsr (map (lambda (y) (if (list? y) (cadr y)))
>                         reqs))
>            (specs (append specsr
>                           (map (lambda (y)
>                                  (if (cadr y)
>                                    (class-name (class-of (cadr y)))
This seems strange to me.  This implies that parse-lambda-list
evaluates the specializers (in order to obtain the class object).  It
should probably not do that.
Best regards,
Mikael D.

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