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continuation curiosity -- for entertainment purposes only

From: Stephen Compall
Subject: continuation curiosity -- for entertainment purposes only
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 12:50:07 -0500

While writing up an <ahem> interesting example for using call/cc, I
ran into this curiosity.  Expressions at the top level are not
considered a single program flow.  Observe:

Here is the original source for `ccgrep.scm', including lots of
debugging messages:

;; begin ccgrep.scm
(use-modules (ice-9 rdelim) (srfi srfi-13))

(define debug-message
  (lambda args (for-each display args) (newline)))

(define next-match #f)
 (let lp ((line (read-line)))
   (debug-message "called: " line)
   (if (eof-object? line)
       (begin (set! next-match #f) "")
     (if (string-contains line "bash")
         (or (call-with-current-continuation
              (lambda (nm)
                (debug-message "captured continuation")
                (set! next-match nm)
                (string-append line "\n")))
             (lp (read-line)))
       (lp (read-line))))))

(debug-message "value of continuation saver: " next-match)
(and next-match (next-match (begin
                              (debug-message "calling continuation")
(debug-message "quitting")
;; end ccgrep.scm

I piped /etc/passwd to it, and here is the output (with some
unimportant lines taken out):

address@hidden guile]$ guile -s ccgrep.scm < /etc/passwd
called: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
captured continuation
value of continuation saver: #<continuation 406 @ 80a4678>
calling continuation
called: bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin:
called: daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin:
called: gopher:x:13:30:gopher:/usr/lib/gopher-data:
called: postgres:x:40:41:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash
captured continuation
postgres:x:40:41:PostgreSQL Server:/var/lib/pgsql:/bin/bash

Imagine my surprise when it failed to consider the top-level
expressions that report on next-match and run it if it's there as part
of the flow, and skipped to what it hadn't executed --- the "quitting"

So I reworked it as a function created and called in one step:

;; repeat previous setup
((lambda ()
   (define next-match #f)
    (let lp ((line (read-line)))
      (debug-message "called: " line)
      (if (eof-object? line)
          (begin (set! next-match #f) "")
        (if (string-contains line "bash")
            (or (call-with-current-continuation
                 (lambda (nm)
                   (debug-message "captured continuation")
                   (set! next-match nm)
                   (string-append line "\n")))
                (lp (read-line)))
          (lp (read-line))))))

   (debug-message "value of continuation saver: " next-match)
   (and next-match (next-match (begin
                                 (debug-message "calling continuation")
   (debug-message "quitting")))
;; end of ccgrep.scm

...and it worked exactly as I expected it to, as a simple grep
proof-of-concept that displays all lines containing "bash".

I haven't tried using a simple let in place of my one-shot function.

Stephen Compall or s11 or sirian

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