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Re: user interface, asynchronous objects, garbage collection

From: Marco Maggi
Subject: Re: user interface, asynchronous objects, garbage collection
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 07:59:42 +0100

"Ludovic Courtès" wrote:
>"Marco Maggi" <address@hidden> writes:
>> When writing a Guile-GSL script I code forms like this:
>> (let* ((x     ...)
>>        (y     ...)
>>        (plot  (blt-plot x y ...)))
>>    (sleep-or-ask-the-user-when-its-ok-to-go-on))
>> the GOOPS  proxies are stored  in the LET*  environment, and
>> this  prevents the  GC to  collect  them while  the user  is
>> taking a look.
>Isn't there a GOOPS object representing the Tk "display",
the root
>window or some such?  If so, I guess user code could look like:
>  (window-add-plot! w (blt-plot x y ...))
>  ;; `sleep-or-ask-the-user-when-its-ok-to-go-on' is
replaced by
>  ;; something like this:
>  (window-event-loop w)
>Then, as long as the window lives, the plots it displays
are not GC'd.
>And the user is likely to be willing to keep a reference to
its window
>object since it needs it to run the event loop, for instance.
>I hope this is relevant,

Sorry,  no. I was  not clear  enough. Everything  is already
working, I can already execute code like this:

(let* ((x     ...)
       (y     ...)
       (plot  (blt-plot x y ...)))

and  it  is  exactly  what  I  want to  do  when  writing  a

My  problem  is  that  I  do  not  know  how  to  make  this
functionality  easily  usable  for   a  user  at  the  REPL.
Personally I hate  to write LET forms at  the REPL because I
cannot make it  fit on a single short line of  text, so I do
not want users to be forced to write it to plot a graph.

I look  the the Mathlab/Octave  interface, there are  only 3

plot(x, y) # to plot a graph

hold on    # to make 'plot' add graph to the same window

hold off   # to make 'plot' wipe out old graphs before
           # drawing the new one

I do not  think that they have designed  it this way because
they do not know how to  keep many plots at once, they know;
I guess  that they decided to  do it this way  for the exact
purpose of keeping it simple for the REPL users.

I can duplicate this interface at the REPL if I decide to. I
am trying to understand if to  keep it simple I have to make
it  "that" simple,  throwing  away (only  at  the REPL)  the
feature of  having asynchronous multiple  graphs in multiple

What I wanted  to ask is if someone here  has coded a Scheme
application  with REPL  interface and  has  discovered that:
"yes, you have to keep it  that simple to make it usable" or
that "no,  go on with asynchronous  objects handling because
the average user can do it just fine".

Marco Maggi

"They say jump!, you say how high?"
Rage Against the Machine - "Bullet in the Head"

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