Making check in src make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/src' make[1]: No se hace nada para `check'. make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/src' Making check in doc make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/doc' make[1]: No se hace nada para `check'. make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/doc' Making check in examples make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/examples' make[1]: No se hace nada para `check'. make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/examples' Making check in unit-tests make[1]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/unit-tests' make check-TESTS make[2]: se ingresa al directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/unit-tests' Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: -suite ---------------------------------- Running test case: test-api ;;; WARNING (New API, update your API form (())) 1 run, 0 failed PASS: api.scm /bin/sh: línea 5: 9636 Violacion de segmento API_FILE=./guile-library.api DOC_GUILE_LIBRARY_SCM=../doc/guile-library.scm GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 ../dev-environ /usr/local/bin/guile -s ${dir}$tst FAIL: container.async-queue.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: -suite -------------------------------- Running test case: test-tsortq 1 run, 0 failed PASS: graph.topological-sort.scm *** HtmlPrag Tests *** (html->shtml ">") ==> (*TOP* (a ">")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "") ==> (*TOP* (a "<" ">")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<>") ==> (*TOP* "<" ">") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "< >") ==> (*TOP* "<" ">") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "< a>") ==> (*TOP* (a)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "< a / >") ==> (*TOP* (a)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml " (*TOP* (a "<")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml " (*TOP* (a (b))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml ">") ==> (*TOP* ">" (a)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "") ==> (*TOP*) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<\">") ==> (*TOP* "<" "\"" ">") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "xxxaaa\nbbb\nc<c<c") ==> (*TOP* (a "xxx" (plaintext "aaa\n" "bbb\n" "c<c<c"))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!-- xxx -->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* " xxx ") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<! -- xxx -->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* " xxx ") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!-- xxx --->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* " xxx -") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!-- xxx ---->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* " xxx --") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!-- xxx -y-->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* " xxx -y") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!----->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* "-") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!---->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* "") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa<!--->bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*COMMENT* "->bbb")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr>") ==> (*TOP* (hr)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr/>") ==> (*TOP* (hr)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr />") ==> (*TOP* (hr)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr noshade>") ==> (*TOP* (hr (@ (noshade)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr noshade/>") ==> (*TOP* (hr (@ (noshade)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr noshade />") ==> (*TOP* (hr (@ (noshade)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr noshade / >") ==> (*TOP* (hr (@ (noshade)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr noshade=1 />") ==> (*TOP* (hr (@ (noshade "1")))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<hr noshade=1/>") ==> (*TOP* (hr (@ (noshade "1")))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<q>aaa<p/>bbb</q>ccc</p>ddd") ==> (*TOP* (q "aaa" (p) "bbb") "ccc" "ddd") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&lt;") ==> (*TOP* "<") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&gt;") ==> (*TOP* ">") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "Gilbert &amp; Sullivan") ==> (*TOP* "Gilbert & Sullivan") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "Gilbert &amp Sullivan") ==> (*TOP* "Gilbert & Sullivan") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "Gilbert & Sullivan") ==> (*TOP* "Gilbert & Sullivan") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "Copyright &copy; Foo") ==> (*TOP* "Copyright " (*ENTITY* "additional" "copy") " Foo") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa&copy;bbb") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*ENTITY* "additional" "copy") "bbb") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa&copy") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*ENTITY* "additional" "copy")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#42;") ==> (*TOP* "*") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#42") ==> (*TOP* "*") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#42x") ==> (*TOP* "*x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#151") ==> (*TOP* "\x97") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#1000") ==> (*TOP* (*ENTITY* "additional-char" "1000")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#x42") ==> (*TOP* "B") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#xA2") ==> (*TOP* "¢") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#xFF") ==> (*TOP* "ÿ") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#x100") ==> (*TOP* (*ENTITY* "additional-char" "256")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&#X42") ==> (*TOP* "B") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "&42;") ==> (*TOP* "&42;") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "aaa&copy;bbb&amp;ccc&lt;ddd&&gt;eee&#42;fff&#1000;ggg&#x5a;hhh") ==> (*TOP* "aaa" (*ENTITY* "additional" "copy") "bbb&ccc<ddd&>eee*fff" (*ENTITY* "additional-char" "1000") "gggZhhh") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<IMG src=\"\" border=0 width=\"38\" height=\"16\" HSPACE=5 VSPACE=0\">2</FONT>") ==> (*TOP* (img (@ (src "") (border "0") (width "38") (height "16") (hspace "5") (vspace "0"))) "2") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<aaa bbb=ccc\"ddd>eee") ==> (*TOP* (aaa (@ (bbb "ccc") (ddd)) "eee")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<aaa bbb=ccc \"ddd>eee") ==> (*TOP* (aaa (@ (bbb "ccc") (ddd)) "eee")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<HTML><Head><Title>My Title</Title></Head><Body BGColor=\"white\" Foo=42>This is a <B><I>bold-italic</B></I> test of </Erk>broken HTML.<br>Yes it is.</Body></HTML>") ==> (*TOP* (html (head (title "My Title")) (body (@ (bgcolor "white") (foo "42")) "This is a " (b (i "bold-italic")) " test of " "broken HTML." (br) "Yes it is."))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">") ==> (*TOP* (*DECL* DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<html xmlns=\"\" xml:lang=\"en\" lang=\"en\">") ==> (*TOP* (html (@ (xmlns "") (lang "en") (lang "en")))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<html:html xmlns:html=\"\"><html:head><html:title>Frobnostication</html:title></html:head><html:body><html:p>Moved to <html:a href=\"\">here.</html:a></html:p></html:body></html:html>") ==> (*TOP* (html (@ (xmlns:html "")) (head (title "Frobnostication")) (body (p "Moved to " (a (@ (href "")) "here."))))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<RESERVATION xmlns:HTML=\"\"><NAME HTML:CLASS=\"largeSansSerif\">Layman, A</NAME><SEAT CLASS=\"Y\" HTML:CLASS=\"largeMonotype\">33B</SEAT><HTML:A HREF=\"/cgi-bin/ResStatus\">Check Status</HTML:A><DEPARTURE>1997-05-24T07:55:00+1</DEPARTURE></RESERVATION>") ==> (*TOP* (reservation (@ (xmlns:HTML "")) (name (@ (class "largeSansSerif")) "Layman, A") (seat (@ (class "Y") (class "largeMonotype")) "33B") (a (@ (href "/cgi-bin/ResStatus")) "Check Status") (departure "1997-05-24T07:55:00+1"))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<html><head><title></title><title>whatever</title></head><body><a href=\"url\">link</a><p align=center><ul compact style=\"aa\"><p>BLah<!-- comment <comment> --> <i> italic <b> bold <tt> ened </i> still &lt; bold </b></body><P> But not done yet...") ==> (*TOP* (html (head (title) (title "whatever")) (body (a (@ (href "url")) "link") (p (@ (align "center")) (ul (@ (compact) (style "aa")))) (p "BLah" (*COMMENT* " comment <comment> ") " " (i " italic " (b " bold " (tt " ened "))) " still < bold ")) (p " But not done yet..."))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?php php_info(); ?>") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* php "php_info(); ")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?php php_info(); ?") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* php "php_info(); ?")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?php php_info(); ") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* php "php_info(); ")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?foo bar ? baz > blort ?>") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "bar ? baz > blort ")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?foo b?>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "b") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?foo ?>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?foo ?>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?foo?>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* foo "") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?f?>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* f "") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<??>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* #f "") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<?>x") ==> (*TOP* (*PI* #f ">x")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo bar=\"baz\">blort") ==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz")) "blort")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo bar='baz'>blort") ==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz")) "blort")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo bar=\"baz'>blort") ==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz'>blort")))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo bar='baz\">blort") ==> (*TOP* (foo (@ (bar "baz\">blort")))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<p>A</p><script>line0 <\nline1\n<line2></script><p>B</p>") ==> (*TOP* (p "A") (script "line0 <\n" "line1\n" "<line2>") (p "B")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a<b>c</XMP>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<XMP>a<b>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a<b>c</foo:xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo:xmp>a<b>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo:xmp>a<b>c</foo:xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<foo:xmp>a<b>c</bar:xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b >c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b >c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</ b>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</ b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</ b >c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</ b >c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b:x>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b:x>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b::x>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b::x>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b:::x>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b:::x>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b:>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b:>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</b::>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</b::>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</xmp:b>c</xmp>d") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</xmp:b>c") "d") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<P>real1</P>\n<XMP>\nalpha\n<P>fake</P>\nbravo\n</XMP \n<P>real2</P>") ==> (*TOP* (p "real1") "\n" (xmp "\n" "alpha\n" "<P>fake</P>\n" "bravo\n") (p "real2")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<P>real1</P>\n<XMP>\nalpha\n<P>fake</P>\nbravo\n</XMP\n<P>real2</P>") ==> (*TOP* (p "real1") "\n" (xmp "\n" "alpha\n" "<P>fake</P>\n" "bravo\n") (p "real2")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</xmp>x") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a\n</xmp>x") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a\n") "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp></xmp>x") ==> (*TOP* (xmp) "x") ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</xmp") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</xm") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</xm")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</x") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</x")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a</") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a</")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a<") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a<")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>a") ==> (*TOP* (xmp "a")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp>") ==> (*TOP* (xmp)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp") ==> (*TOP* (xmp)) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp x=42 ") ==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x "42")))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp x= ") ==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp x ") ==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<xmp x") ==> (*TOP* (xmp (@ (x)))) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<script>xxx") ==> (*TOP* (script "xxx")) ;; Passed. (html->shtml "<script/>xxx") ==> (*TOP* (script) "xxx") ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(p)) ==> "<p></p>" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(p "CONTENT")) ==> "<p>CONTENT</p>" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(br)) ==> "<br />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(br "CONTENT")) ==> "<br />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (clear "all")))) ==> "<hr clear=\"all\" />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (noshade)))) ==> "<hr noshade />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (noshade #t)))) ==> "<hr noshade />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (noshade "noshade")))) ==> "<hr noshade=\"noshade\" />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbbccc")))) ==> "<hr aaa=\"bbbccc\" />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbb'ccc")))) ==> "<hr aaa=\"bbb'ccc\" />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbb\"ccc")))) ==> "<hr aaa='bbb\"ccc' />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(hr (@ (aaa "bbb\"ccc'ddd")))) ==> "<hr aaa=\"bbb&quot;ccc'ddd\" />" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(*PI* xml "version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"")) ==> "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" ;; Passed. (shtml->html '(*DECL* DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "")) ==> "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN\" \"\">" ;; Passed. *** All Tests PASSED *** Passed: 125 Failed: 0 Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-xml-pragmatic>-suite ------------------------ Running test case: test-all 1 run, 0 failed PASS: htmlprag.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-logging>-suite ------------------------------ Running test case: test-log-to-one-port Running test case: test-log-to-default-logger Running test case: test-log-to-registered-logger 3 run, 0 failed PASS: logging.logger.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-match-bind>-suite --------------------------- Running test case: test-s/// Running test case: test-s///g 2 run, 0 failed PASS: match-bind.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-golden-sect>-suite -------------------------- Running test case: test-gs-function 1 run, 0 failed PASS: math.minima.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-factorization>-suite ------------------------ Running test case: test-factor-function Running test suite: <test-prime-lists>-suite -------------------------- Running test case: test-recognizes-first100 Running test case: test-prime> Running test case: test-prime< Running test case: test-primes> Running test case: test-primes< 6 run, 0 failed PASS: math.primes.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-md5>-suite ---------------------------------- Running test case: test-default-port Running test case: test-given-port 2 run, 0 failed PASS: md5.scm WARNING: (guile-user): `run' imported from both (unit-test) and (os process) Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-proc>-suite --------------------------------- Running test case: test-exit-code Running test case: test-pipeline WARNING: (guile-user): `run' imported from both (unit-test) and (os process) Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-proc>-suite --------------------------------- Running test case: test-exit-code Running test case: test-pipeline 2 run, 0 failed PASS: os.process.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-dfs>-suite ---------------------------------- Running test case: test-number-search Running test suite: <test-binary-search>-suite ------------------------ Running test case: test-binary-edges Running test case: test-binary-results 3 run, 0 failed PASS: search.basic.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-statprof>-suite ----------------------------- 0 run, 0 failed PASS: statprof.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-scheme-kwargs>-suite ------------------------ Running test case: test-lambda/kwargs 1 run, 0 failed PASS: scheme.kwargs.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-basic-completion>-suite --------------------- Running test case: test-all-completions Running test case: test-too-long-dropped Running test case: test-complete Running test suite: <test-ci-completion>-suite ------------------------ Running test case: test-all-completions Running test case: test-too-long-dropped Running test case: test-complete 6 run, 0 failed PASS: string.completion.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-expansion>-suite ---------------------------- Running test case: test-beginning-expansion Running test case: test-ending-expansion Running test case: test-middle-expansion Running test case: test-alternate-tab-size Running test suite: <test-escape>-suite ------------------------------- Running test case: test-single-escape-char Running test case: test-multiple-escape-chars Running test suite: <test-collapse>-suite ----------------------------- Running test case: test-basic-collapse Running test case: test-choose-other-char Running test case: test-choose-maximum-repeats 9 run, 0 failed PASS: string.transform.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-string-wrapper>-suite ----------------------- Running test case: test-util-equivalent-to-class Running test case: test-fill-equivalent-to-joined-lines Running test case: test-no-collapse-ws Running test case: test-no-word-break 4 run, 0 failed PASS: string.wrap.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-sxml-fold>-suite ---------------------------- Running test case: test-fold Running test case: test-fold-layout 2 run, 0 failed PASS: sxml.fold.scm body: "]]>" Result: () body: "abcd]]>" Result: ("abcd" "") body: "abcd]]]>" Result: ("abcd" "" "]" "") body: "abcd]]]]>" Result: ("abcd" "" "]" "" "]" "") body: "abcd]]]]]>" Result: ("abcd" "" "]" "" "]" "" "]" "") body: "abcd]]]a]]>" Result: ("abcd" "" "]" "" "]]" "" "a" "") body: "abc%r%ndef%n]]>" Result: ("abc" " NL" "def" " NL") body: "%r%n%r%n]]>" Result: ("" " NL" "" " NL") body: "%r%n%r%na]]>" Result: ("" " NL" "" " NL" "a" "") body: "%r%r%r%na]]>" Result: ("" " NL" "" " NL" "" " NL" "a" "") body: "abc&!!!]]>" Result: ("abc" "&" "" "" "!!!" "") body: "abc]]&gt;&gt&amp;]]]&gt;and]]>" Result: ("abc" "" "]]" "" "" ">" "" "&" "gt" "" "" "&" "amp" "" ";" "" "]" "" "]]" "" "" ">" "and" "") input: "" Result: () input: "href='http://a%tb%r%n%r%n%nc'" Result: ((href . "http://a b c")) input: "href='http://a%tb%r%r%n%rc'" Result: ((href . "http://a b c")) input: "_1 ='12&amp;' _2= \"%r%n%t12&#10;3\">" Result: ((_1 . "12&") (_2 . " 12\n3")) input: "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" Result: ((Abc . "<&>\n") (Next . "12<xx>34")) input: "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0d;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" Result: ((Abc . "<&>\r") (Next . "12<xx>34")) input: "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&en;34' />" Result: ((Abc . "<&>\n") (Next . "12\"xx'34")) input: "%tAbc='&lt;&amp;&gt;&#x0A;'%nNext='12&ent;34' />" Result: ((Abc . "<&>\n") (Next . "12<&T;>34")) input: "html:href='http://a%tb%r%n%r%n%nc'" Result: (((html . href) . "http://a b c")) input: "html:href='ref1' html:src='ref2'" Result: (((html . href) . "ref1") ((html . src) . "ref2")) input: "html:href='ref1' xml:html='ref2'" Result: (((html . href) . "ref1") ((xml . html) . "ref2")) body: "" Result: () #<eof> body: " " Result: (" ") #<eof> body: "<BR/>" Result: () (START . BR) body: " <BR />" Result: (" ") (START . BR) body: " &lt;" Result: (" ") (ENTITY-REF . lt) body: " a&lt;" Result: (" a") (ENTITY-REF . lt) body: " a &lt;" Result: (" a ") (ENTITY-REF . lt) body: " <!-- comment--> a a<BR/>" Result: (" " " a a") (START . BR) body: " <!-- comment-->%ra a<BR/>" Result: (" " "" "\n" "a a") (START . BR) body: " <!-- comment-->%r%na a<BR/>" Result: (" " "" "\n" "a a") (START . BR) body: " <!-- comment-->%r%na%t%r%r%na<BR/>" Result: (" " "" "\n" "a\t" "\n" "" "\n" "a") (START . BR) body: "a<!-- comment--> a a<BR/>" Result: ("a" " a a") (START . BR) body: "&#x21;<BR/>" Result: ("" "!") (START . BR) body: "&#x21;%n<BR/>" Result: ("" "!" "\n") (START . BR) body: "%t&#x21;%n<BR/>" Result: ("\t" "!" "\n") (START . BR) body: "%t&#x21;%na a<BR/>" Result: ("\t" "!" "\na a") (START . BR) body: "%t&#x21;%ra a<BR/>" Result: ("\t" "!" "" "\n" "a a") (START . BR) body: "%t&#x21;%r%na a<BR/>" Result: ("\t" "!" "" "\n" "a a") (START . BR) body: " %ta &#x21; b <BR/>" Result: (" \ta " "!" " b ") (START . BR) body: " %ta &#x20; b <BR/>" Result: (" \ta " " " " b ") (START . BR) body: "<![CDATA[<]]><BR/>" Result: ("<") (START . BR) body: "<![CDATA[]]]><BR/>" Result: ("]") (START . BR) body: "%t<![CDATA[<]]><BR/>" Result: ("\t" "<") (START . BR) body: "%t<![CDATA[<]]>a b<BR/>" Result: ("\t" "<" "a b") (START . BR) body: "%t<![CDATA[<]]> a b<BR/>" Result: ("\t" "<" " a b") (START . BR) body: "%td <![CDATA[ <%r%r%n]]> a b<BR/>" Result: ("\td " " <" "\n" "" "\n" " a b") (START . BR)#<procedure a121798 at ice-9/eval.scm:396:13 (a b c)> #<procedure a1213f0 at ice-9/eval.scm:396:13 (a b c)> #<procedure a121048 at ice-9/eval.scm:396:13 (a b c)> Parsing: <BR/> ((BR)) Parsing: <BR></BR> ((BR)) Parsing: <A HREF='URL'> link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A> ((A (@ (HREF "URL")) " link " (I "itlink ") " " "&" "amp;")) Parsing: <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'> link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A> ((A (@ (HREF "URL") ((xml . space) "preserve")) " link " (I "itlink ") " " "&" "amp;")) Parsing: <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'> link <I xml:space='default'>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A> ((A (@ (HREF "URL") ((xml . space) "preserve")) " link " (I (@ ((xml . space) "default")) "itlink ") " " "&" "amp;")) Parsing: <itemize><item>This is item 1 </item>%n<!-- Just:a comment --><item>Item 2</item>%n </itemize> ((itemize (item "This is item 1 ") "\n" (item "Item 2") "\n ")) Parsing: <P><![CDATA[<BR>%n<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P> ((P "<BR>" "\n" "<![CDATA[<BR>" "]]" "" ">")) Parsing: <P><![CDATA[<BR>%r<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P> ((P "<BR>" "\n" "<![CDATA[<BR>" "]]" "" ">")) Parsing: <?xml version='1.0'?>%n%n<Reports TStamp='1'></Reports> ((Reports (@ (TStamp "1")))) Parsing: %n<?PI xxx?><!-- Comment %n -%r-->%n<?PI1 zzz?><T/> ((T)) Parsing: <!DOCTYPE T SYSTEM 'system1' ><!-- comment -->%n<T/> ((T)) Parsing: <!DOCTYPE T PUBLIC '//EN/T' "system1" [ <!ELEMENT a 'aa'> ]>%n<?pi?><T/> ((T)) Parsing: <BR/> ((BR)) Parsing: <BR></BR> ((BR)) Parsing: <BR>aa</BR> ((BR "aa")) Parsing: <BR>a<I>a</I></BR> ((BR "a" (I "a"))) Parsing: <DIV>Example: "&example;"</DIV> ((DIV "Example: \"" (P "An ampersand (" "&" ") may be escaped numerically (" "&" "#38;) or with a general entity (" "&" "amp;).") "\"")) Parsing: <DIV>Example: "&example;" <P/></DIV> ((DIV "Example: \"" (Q (I "example:") " ex" "!") "?" "\" " (P))) Parsing: <DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV> (((URI1 . DIV) (@ (B "B") ((URI1 . B) "A")) (*NAMESPACES* ((A URI1 . URI1) (*DEFAULT* URI1 . URI1))) ((URI1 . P) (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (A URI1 . URI1) (*DEFAULT* URI1 . URI1))) (BR (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (A URI1 . URI1) (*DEFAULT* URI1 . URI1))))))) Parsing: <DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV> (((UA . DIV) (@ (B "B") ((UA . B) "A")) (*NAMESPACES* ((A UA . URI1) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (#f UA . URI1))) ((UA . P) (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (A UA . URI1) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (#f UA . URI1))) (BR (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (A UA . URI1) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (#f UA . URI1))))))) Parsing: <DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV> (((UA . DIV) (@ (B "B") ((UA . B) "A")) (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (A UA . URI1) (#f UA . URI1))) ((UA . P) (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (A UA . URI1) (#f UA . URI1))) (BR (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (A UA . URI1) (#f UA . URI1))))))) Parsing: <DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV> (((UA . DIV) (@ (B "B") ((UA . B) "A") ((URI2 . B) "xx")) (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (A UA . URI1) (C URI2 . URI2) (#f UA . URI1))) ((UA . P) (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (A UA . URI1) (C URI2 . URI2) (#f UA . URI1))) (BR (*NAMESPACES* ((*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (*DEFAULT* UA . URI1) (A UA . URI1) (C URI2 . URI2) (#f UA . URI1))))))) input: " <BR/>" Result: (*TOP* (BR)) input: "<BR></BR>" Result: (*TOP* (BR)) input: " <BR CLEAR='ALL'\nCLASS='Class1'/>" Result: (*TOP* (BR (@ (CLEAR "ALL") (CLASS "Class1")))) input: " <A HREF='URL'> link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" Result: (*TOP* (A (@ (HREF "URL")) " link " (I "itlink ") " &amp;")) input: " <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'> link <I>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" Result: (*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL")) " link " (I "itlink ") " &amp;")) input: " <A HREF='URL' xml:space='preserve'> link <I xml:space='default'>itlink </I> &amp;amp;</A>" Result: (*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL")) " link " (I (@ (xml:space "default")) "itlink ") " &amp;")) input: " <P><?pi1 p1 content ?>?<?pi2 pi2? content? ??></P>" Result: (*TOP* (P (*PI* pi1 "p1 content ") "?" (*PI* pi2 "pi2? content? ?"))) input: " <P>some text <![CDATA[<]]>1\n&quot;<B>strong</B>&quot;\r</P>" Result: (*TOP* (P "some text <1\n\"" (B "strong") "\"\n")) input: " <P><![CDATA[<BR>\n<![CDATA[<BR>]]&gt;]]></P>" Result: (*TOP* (P "<BR>\n<![CDATA[<BR>]]>")) input: "<T1><T2>it&apos;s\r\nand that\n</T2>\r\n\r\n\n</T1>" Result: (*TOP* (T1 (T2 "it's\nand that\n") "\n\n\n")) input: "<T1><T2>it&apos;s\rand that\n</T2>\r\n\r\n\n</T1>" Result: (*TOP* (T1 (T2 "it's\nand that\n") "\n\n\n")) input: "<!DOCTYPE T SYSTEM 'system1' ><!-- comment -->\n<T/>" Result: (*TOP* (T)) input: "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n<WEIGHT unit=\"pound\">\n<NET certified='certified'> 67 </NET>\n<GROSS> 95 </GROSS>\n</WEIGHT>" Result: (*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (WEIGHT (@ (unit "pound")) "\n" (NET (@ (certified "certified")) " 67 ") "\n" (GROSS " 95 ") "\n")) input: "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>" Result: (*TOP* (URI1:DIV (@ (URI1:B "A") (B "B")) (URI1:P (BR)))) input: "<DIV A:B='A' B='B' xmlns:A='URI1' xmlns='URI1'><A:P xmlns=''><BR/></A:P></DIV>" Result: (*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (UA "URI1"))) (UA:DIV (@ (UA:B "A") (B "B")) (UA:P (BR)))) input: "<x xmlns:edi=''><!-- the 'taxClass' attribute's ns --><lineItem edi:taxClass='exempt'>Baby food</lineItem>\n</x>" Result: (*TOP* (x (lineItem (@ ( "exempt")) "Baby food") "\n")) input: "<x xmlns:edi=''><!-- the 'taxClass' attribute's ns --><lineItem edi:taxClass='exempt'>Baby food</lineItem></x>" Result: (*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (EDI ""))) (x (lineItem (@ (EDI:taxClass "exempt")) "Baby food"))) input: "<bk:book xmlns:bk='' xmlns:isbn='urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6'><bk:title>Cheaper by the Dozen</bk:title><isbn:number>1568491379</isbn:number></bk:book>" Result: (*TOP* ( ( "Cheaper by the Dozen") (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379"))) input: "<!-- initially, the default namespace is 'books' --><book xmlns='' xmlns:isbn='urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6'><title>Cheaper by the Dozen</title><isbn:number>1568491379</isbn:number><notes><!-- make HTML the default namespace for some commentary --><p xmlns='urn:w3-org-ns:HTML'>This is a <i>funny</i> book!</p></notes></book>" Result: (*TOP* ( ( "Cheaper by the Dozen") (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379") ( (urn:w3-org-ns:HTML:p "This is a " (urn:w3-org-ns:HTML:i "funny") " book!")))) input: "<Beers><!-- the default namespace is now that of HTML --><table xmlns=''><th><td>Name</td><td>Origin</td><td>Description</td></th><tr><!-- no default namespace inside table cells --><td><brandName xmlns=\"\">Huntsman</brandName></td><td><origin xmlns=''>Bath, UK</origin></td><td><details xmlns=''><class>Bitter</class><hop>Fuggles</hop><pro>Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer</pro><con>Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub</con></details></td></tr></table></Beers>" Result: (*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (html ""))) (Beers (html:table (html:th (html:td "Name") (html:td "Origin") (html:td "Description")) (html:tr (html:td (brandName "Huntsman")) (html:td (origin "Bath, UK")) (html:td (details (class "Bitter") (hop "Fuggles") (pro "Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer") (con "Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub"))))))) input: "<!-- 1 --><RESERVATION xmlns:HTML=''><!-- 2 --><NAME HTML:CLASS=\"largeSansSerif\">Layman, A</NAME><!-- 3 --><SEAT CLASS='Y' HTML:CLASS=\"largeMonotype\">33B</SEAT><!-- 4 --><HTML:A HREF='/cgi-bin/ResStatus'>Check Status</HTML:A><!-- 5 --><DEPARTURE>1997-05-24T07:55:00+1</DEPARTURE></RESERVATION>" Result: (*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (HTML ""))) (RESERVATION (NAME (@ (HTML:CLASS "largeSansSerif")) "Layman, A") (SEAT (@ (HTML:CLASS "largeMonotype") (CLASS "Y")) "33B") (HTML:A (@ (HREF "/cgi-bin/ResStatus")) "Check Status") (DEPARTURE "1997-05-24T07:55:00+1"))) input: "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'?><!-- this can be decoded as US-ASCII or iso-8859-1 as well, since it contains no characters outside the US-ASCII repertoire --><rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf='' xmlns:rdfs='' xmlns=''><rdfs:Class ID='Boolean'/><Boolean ID='Boolean.true'/><Boolean ID='Boolean.false'/><!--Info item classes--><rdfs:Class ID='InfoItem'/><rdfs:Class ID='Document' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/><rdfs:Class ID='Element' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/><rdfs:Class ID='Attribute' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItem'/><rdfs:Class ID='InfoItemSet'\n rdfs:subClassOf=''/><rdfs:Class ID='AttributeSet' rdfs:subClassOf='#InfoItemSet'/><!--Info item properties--><rdfs:Property ID='allDeclarationsProcessed'><rdfs:domain resource='#Document'/><rdfs:range resource='#Boolean'/></rdfs:Property><rdfs:Property ID='attributes'><rdfs:domain resource='#Element'/><rdfs:range resource='#AttributeSet'/></rdfs:Property></rdf:RDF>" Result: (*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (RDF "") (RDFS "") (ISET ""))) (*PI* xml "version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes'") (RDF:RDF (RDFS:Class (@ (ID "Boolean"))) (ISET:Boolean (@ (ID "Boolean.true"))) (ISET:Boolean (@ (ID "Boolean.false"))) (RDFS:Class (@ (ID "InfoItem"))) (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Document"))) (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Element"))) (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItem") (ID "Attribute"))) (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "") (ID "InfoItemSet"))) (RDFS:Class (@ (RDFS:subClassOf "#InfoItemSet") (ID "AttributeSet"))) (RDFS:Property (@ (ID "allDeclarationsProcessed")) (RDFS:domain (@ (resource "#Document"))) (RDFS:range (@ (resource "#Boolean")))) (RDFS:Property (@ (ID "attributes")) (RDFS:domain (@ (resource "#Element"))) (RDFS:range (@ (resource "#AttributeSet")))))) input: "<?xml version='1.0'?><rdf:RDF \nxmlns:rdf='' \nxmlns=''>\n<channel>\n<title>Daemon News Mall</title>\n<link></link>\n<description>Central source for all your BSD needs</description>\n</channel>\n<item>\n<title>Daemon News Jan/Feb Issue NOW Available! Subscribe $24.95</title>\n<link>;product_id=880</link>\n</item>\n<item>\n<title>The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System $54.95</title>\n<link>;product_id=912&amp;category_id=1761</link>\n</item>\n</rdf:RDF>" Result: (*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (RDF "") (RSS "") (ISET ""))) (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (RDF:RDF "\n" (RSS:channel "\n" (RSS:title "Daemon News Mall") "\n" (RSS:link "") "\n" (RSS:description "Central source for all your BSD needs") "\n") "\n" (RSS:item "\n" (RSS:title "Daemon News Jan/Feb Issue NOW Available! Subscribe $24.95") "\n" (RSS:link "") "\n") "\n" (RSS:item "\n" (RSS:title "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4BSD Operating System $54.95") "\n" (RSS:link "") "\n") "\n")) input: "<Forecasts TStamp='958082142'><TAF TStamp='958066200' LatLon='36.583, -121.850' BId='724915' SName='KMRY, MONTEREY PENINSULA'><VALID TRange='958068000, 958154400'>111730Z 111818</VALID><PERIOD TRange='958068000, 958078800'><PREVAILING>31010KT P6SM FEW030</PREVAILING></PERIOD><PERIOD TRange='958078800, 958104000' Title='FM2100'><PREVAILING>29016KT P6SM FEW040</PREVAILING></PERIOD><PERIOD TRange='958104000, 958154400' Title='FM0400'><PREVAILING>29010KT P6SM SCT200</PREVAILING><VAR Title='BECMG 0708' TRange='958114800, 958118400'>VRB05KT</VAR></PERIOD></TAF></Forecasts>" Result: (*TOP* (Forecasts (@ (TStamp "958082142")) (TAF (@ (TStamp "958066200") (SName "KMRY, MONTEREY PENINSULA") (LatLon "36.583, -121.850") (BId "724915")) (VALID (@ (TRange "958068000, 958154400")) "111730Z 111818") (PERIOD (@ (TRange "958068000, 958078800")) (PREVAILING "31010KT P6SM FEW030")) (PERIOD (@ (Title "FM2100") (TRange "958078800, 958104000")) (PREVAILING "29016KT P6SM FEW040")) (PERIOD (@ (Title "FM0400") (TRange "958104000, 958154400")) (PREVAILING "29010KT P6SM SCT200") (VAR (@ (Title "BECMG 0708") (TRange "958114800, 958118400")) "VRB05KT"))))) All tests passed Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-ssax>-suite --------------------------------- Running test case: test-ssax Warning: DOCTYPE DECL T system1 found and skipped Warning: Internal DTD subset is not currently handled Warning: DOCTYPE DECL T system1 found and skipped 1 run, 0 failed Some deprecated features have been used. Set the environment variable GUILE_WARN_DEPRECATED to "detailed" and rerun the program to get more information. Set it to "no" to suppress this message. PASS: sxml.ssax.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-xml-transform>-suite ------------------------ Running test case: test-all 1 run, 0 failed PASS: sxml.transform.scm WARNING: (guile-user): imported module (sxml xpath) overrides core binding `filter' Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-xml-xpath>-suite ---------------------------- Running test case: test-all 1 run, 0 failed PASS: sxml.xpath.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-color>-suite -------------------------------- Running test case: test-accepted-attributes Running test case: test-clear-reset-equivalence Running test case: test-underline-underscore-equivalence Running test suite: <test-colorize-string>-suite ---------------------- Running test case: test-ends-in-reset Running test case: test-skips-bad-attrs 5 run, 0 failed PASS: term.ansi-color.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-texinfo>-suite ------------------------------ Running test case: test-read-verbatim-body Running test case: test-read-arguments Running test case: test-complete-start-command Running test case: test-read-char-data Running test case: test-texinfo->stexinfo 5 run, 0 failed PASS: texinfo.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-texinfo-docbook>-suite ---------------------- Running test case: test-flatten 1 run, 0 failed PASS: texinfo.docbook.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-texinfo-serialize>-suite -------------------- Running test case: test-serialize 1 run, 0 failed PASS: texinfo.serialize.scm Running test suite: main-suite ---------------------------------------- Running test suite: <test-parse-lalr>-suite --------------------------- Running test case: test-calc-parser 1 run, 0 failed PASS: text.parse-lalr.scm ==================== 1 of 25 tests failed ==================== make[2]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1 make[2]: se sale del directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/unit-tests' make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2 make[1]: se sale del directorio `/home/german/Instalados/desde-codigo/guile-lib-0.2.1/unit-tests' make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1