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Re: Passing objects between threads

From: Panicz Maciej Godek
Subject: Re: Passing objects between threads
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2016 21:37:25 +0200

> I could of course communicate between the threads using a global variable
> and assignment, but this is nasty. Instead I thought of the following
> interface: I would like to have two functions, let's call them "exposed"
> and "snapshot". The first one would behave like identity (or values),
> except that its evaluation would cause the snapshot value of the current
> thread to be set. The second function would be used to retrieve the
> snapshot value, so that it could be accessed from other threads.
> For example, I could define the evolution thread in the following way:
> (define evolution
>   (call-with-new-thread
>    (λ ()
>      (channel-fold
>       (λ (state action)
>         (let ((state* (update state #;with action)))
>           (exposed state*)))
>       initial-state
>       EVENT-QUEUE))))
> Then, I could access the state variable using the snapshot procedure, so
> that -- for example -- I could use it in the drawing routine:
> (set-display-procedure!
>  (λ ()
>    (draw! (visualization (snapshot evolution)))))
> What I would like about that solution is that even if the world was
> updated much faster than the drawing routine could handle, the system could
> remain responsive. (I also think that this interface would be nice with
> time-constrained optimization algorithms, so that they could make the best
> known solution available at any time)
> However, the problem is that -- while procedures have their properties --
> there seems to be nothing similar in the realm of threads. Normally in
> similar cases I could use a thread-indexed hash table, but in the context
> of multi-threading it would probably need to be protected by a mutex, and
> it would likely slow things down.
> Any suggestions?

I have found that SRFI-18 provides a pair
thread-specific/thread-specific-set! that allows me to implement that
interface. Hooray!

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