;;; Copyright © 2018 Julien Lepiller ;;; Copyright © 2018 swedebugia ;;; ;;; This file is part of guile-npm-explorer. ;;; ;;; guile-npm-explorer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ;;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ;;; your option) any later version. ;;; ;;; guile-npm-explorer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ;;; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; ;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;;; along with guile-npm-explorer. If not, see . ;; Usage: ;; $guile -s npm-explorer.scm >mocha.dot (later you pipe these ;; dot-files into graphviz to produce the actual graph. ;; ;; or ;; ;; Do it all at once: ;; guile -s npm-explorer.scm |dot -Tsvg > mocha.svg ;; ;; or ;; ;; Do it all at once and show it with no nonsense in between: ;; guile -s npm-explorer.scm |dot -Tsvg > mocha.svg && eog mocha.svg (define-module (npm-explorer) #:use-module (guix import json) #:use-module (guix build utils) #:use-module (guix import utils) #:use-module (guix http-client) #:use-module (srfi srfi-1) #:use-module (srfi srfi-34) #:use-module (ice-9 match) #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim) #:use-module (ice-9 regex) #:use-module (ice-9 textual-ports) #:use-module (json) #:export (output-dot ;; for debugging: parse-semver cache-handler generate-dot)) ;; from ;; https://gitlab.com/swedebugia/guix/blob/08fc0ec6fa76d95f4b469aa85033f1b0148f7fa3/guix/import/npm.scm ;; imported here unchanged because it is not avaliable in upstream guix yet. (define (node->package-name name) "Given the NAME of a package on npmjs, return a Guix-compliant name for the package. We remove the '@' and keep the '/' in scoped packages. E.g. @mocha/test -> node-mocha/test" (cond ((and (string-prefix? "@" name) (string-prefix? "node-" name)) (snake-case (string-drop name 1))) ((string-prefix? "@" name) (string-append "node-" (snake-case (string-drop name 1)))) ((string-prefix? "node-" name) (snake-case name)) (else (string-append "node-" (snake-case name))))) (define (slash->_ name) "Sanitize slashes to avoid cli-problems" (if (string-match "[/]" name) (regexp-substitute #f (string-match "/+" name) 'pre "_slash_" 'post) ;;else name)) ;; FIXME this does not return #f if the file is empty. (define (read-file file) "RETURN hashtable from JSON-file in cache." (if (< (stat:size (stat file)) 10) ;; size is less than 10 bytes, return #f #f ;; return file parsed to hashtables with (json) (call-with-input-file file (lambda (port) (json->scm port))))) ;; from ;; http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/guix.git/tree/guix/import/json.scm ;; adapted to return unaltered JSON (define* (npm-http-fetch url ;; Note: many websites returns 403 if we omit a ;; 'User-Agent' header. #:key (headers `((user-agent . "GNU Guile") (Accept . "application/json")))) "Return a JSON resource URL, or #f if URL returns 403 or 404. HEADERS is a list of HTTP headers to pass in the query." (guard (c ((and (http-get-error? c) (let ((error (http-get-error-code c))) (or (= 403 error) (= 404 error)))) #f)) (let* ((port (http-fetch url #:headers headers)) ;; changed the upstream here to return unaltered json: (result (get-string-all port))) (close-port port) result))) (define (cache-handler name) "Check if cached in cache-dir. RETURN direct from cache or fetch and return from cache." (let* ((cache-dir (string-append (getenv "HOME") "/.cache/npm-explorer")) ;; sanitize name to fit in cli-context on disk ;; it can contain @ and / (cache-name (slash->_ (node->package-name name))) (filename (string-append cache-dir "/" cache-name ".package.json"))) (if (file-exists? filename) ;;yes ;;check if empty (if (read-file filename) (read-file filename) ;;file empty (begin (format (current-error-port) "cache for ~a was empty, trying to download again..." name) (delete-file filename) ;; call handler again to try fetching again (cache-handler name))) ;;no (begin (when (not (directory-exists? cache-dir)) (mkdir-p cache-dir)) ;; port closes when this closes (call-with-output-file filename (lambda (port) (format port "~a" ;; this gives os the result-closure and we write it out (npm-http-fetch (string-append "https://registry.npmjs.org/" name))))) ;; get the content and close (read-file filename))))) ;; FIXME consider even the patch versions. ;; See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22343224/whats-the-difference-between-tilde-and-caret-in-package-json (define (parse-semver hashtable version) "return the newest version within the same major or minor version" (define (split list) (string-split list #\.)) (define (version-list hashtable) (map split (map first (hash-table->alist (hash-ref hashtable "versions"))))) (define (major list) (first list)) (define (minor list) (second list)) (define (minor->number list) (string->number (minor (split list)))) ;; Return latest minor with same major version. ;; e.g. ^1.1.0 -> 1.4.0 even though 2.0.0 is availiable (let* ((version (split (string-drop version 1))) (version-list (map first (hash-table->alist (hash-ref hashtable "versions")))) (same-major (if (equal? 3 (length version)) (fold ;; recurse through version-list (lambda (ver lst) (if (string-prefix? (major version) ver) (cons ver lst) lst)) '() version-list) ;; not a version triplet #f))) ;; From ;; https://www.gnu.org/software/guile/manual/html_node/SRFI_002d1-Fold-and-Map.html#SRFI_002d1-Fold-and-Map (fold-right (lambda (str prev) (if (> (minor->number str) (minor->number prev)) str prev)) ;;init with 0.0.0 work with minor->number "0.0.0" same-major))) ;;debug ;; (display (parse-semver (cache-handler "request") "~1.87.0")) ;; (display (parse-semver (cache-handler "request") "^1.1.0")) (define (choose-version hashtable version) (cond ((or (string-prefix? "*" version) (string-prefix? "~" version)) "latest") ;; Specific version needed. This is rare... ((string-prefix? "=" version) (string-drop version 1)) ;; Conditionally later versions ((string-prefix? "^" version) (if (parse-semver hashtable version) (parse-semver hashtable version) ;; could not parse (error (string-append "parse-semver: could not parse" version)))) (else ;; FIXME: could this default to "latest"? ;; No recognized prefix. Return the version specified. version))) (define (lookup-latest hashtable) "RETURN string with the latest release version." (hash-ref (hash-ref hashtable "dist-tags") "latest")) (define (extract-version hashtable version) "Return extract from hashtable corresponding to version or #f if not found." (cond ((string-prefix? "^" version) (parse-semver hashtable version)) ((or (equal? version "latest") (equal? version "*")) (let ((latest (hash-ref (hash-ref hashtable "dist-tags") "latest"))) (hash-ref (hash-ref hashtable "versions") latest))) (else ;;extract the version specified (hash-ref (hash-ref hashtable "versions") version)))) (define (extract-deps hashtable version) "Return extract of dependencies from hashtable corresponding to version or #f if none." (cond ((or (equal? version "latest") (equal? version "*")) (let* ((latest (lookup-latest hashtable)) (data (hash-ref (hash-ref hashtable "versions") latest))) (hash-ref data "dependencies"))) (else ;;extract the version specified (let ((data (hash-ref (hash-ref hashtable "versions") version))) (hash-ref data "dependencies"))))) (define* (output-dot name #:optional (version "latest")) (begin (format #t "digraph dependencies {~%") (format #t "overlap=false;~%") (format #t "splines=true;~%") (generate-dot name '() 0 version) (format (current-error-port) "~%") (format #t "}~%"))) ;;test ;;(output-dot "mocha") ;broken ;; Originally from Julien. ;; This is ;; Heavily modified to get specific version. (define* (generate-dot name done level #:optional (version "latest")) "RETURN package count and level to std-error and dot-formatted data to std-out." ;; ;; Internal definitions ;; (define (status-line level acc) (format (current-error-port) "level ~a: ~a packages \r" level (length acc))) (define (dot-line name version key value) (format #t "\"address@hidden" -> \"address@hidden";~%" name version key value)) ;; Note, this was factored out because it got too hard to overview ;; given the limitations on line length. (define (my-catch package-hashtable wanted-version) "Extract the version from the hashtable and recurse through the dependencies calling generate-dot each time until done. The output from format are sent to current-error-port (status information) and current-output (dot-line)." (catch #t ;; Thunk (lambda () (let* ( ;; Extract dependencies corresponding to version (dependencies (extract-deps package-hashtable wanted-version))) (if dependencies ;; Fold through all the elements in the ;; hashtable (hash-fold (lambda (key value acc) ;; key value = name and version-string ;; directly from the hashtable (begin (status-line level acc) (if (equal? "latest" wanted-version) ;; lookup latest (let ((latest (lookup-latest package-hashtable))) (dot-line name latest key value)) ;; no lookups needed (dot-line name wanted-version key value))) ;; call recursively with the version ;; of the dep from the hashtable (generate-dot ;closure of lambda key acc (+ 1 level) value)) ;; fold recursive - closure of hash-fold (cons name done) dependencies) ;; else, add to done (cons name done)))) ;; Handler if thunk throws #t ;; not found! (lambda _ (error (string-append "something went wrong. please report an issue here: https://gitlab.com/swedebugia/guile-npm-explorer/issues"))))) ;; ;; Entry ;; (if (member name done) done ;; Convert return from cache to hashtable instead of fetching ;; everything multiple times for packages with shared dependency ;; tails. This results in a significant speedup when file is in ;; the cache. ;; NOTE: The cache has no TTL implemented yet so you should ;; clear it from to time manually if you want newer versions to appear. (let* ((package-hashtable (cache-handler name)) ;; Choose latest version (wanted-version (choose-version package-hashtable version)) ;; Extract hashtable corresponding to version (extracted-version (extract-version package-hashtable wanted-version))) ;; Process the version specified if found (if extracted-version (my-catch package-hashtable wanted-version) ;; else (cons name done))))) ;; (format #t "digraph dependencies {~%") ;; (format #t "overlap=false;~%") ;; (format #t "splines=true;~%") (generate-dot "mocha" '() 0 version) ;; (format (current-error-port) "~%") ;; (format #t "}~%")