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get absolute path of given path

From: Zelphir Kaltstahl
Subject: get absolute path of given path
Date: Sun, 6 Sep 2020 17:04:04 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/68.10.0

Hi Guile Users!

In my explorations into making examples for web development, I came
across the question of how to get an absolute path from any given path.
This is useful for example when checking, whether a path points to
something inside a static assets directory, or perhaps sneakily tries to
escape that and access things it should not.

I found in Guile's manual the function (canonicalize-path path).
However, this function has one problem, which makes it not sufficient on
its own: It raises an exception, when a path given points to something
that does not exist. I would like to have a function, that gives me the
absolute path of any path I give as argument, not only for existing
paths. So i went ahead and wrote the following code

(define-module (path-handling)
  #:export (path-split

 (srfi srfi-1))



(define displayln
  (lambda* (#:key (output-port (current-output-port)) (verbose #t) . msgs)
    (when verbose
      (display (string-append
                 (map (lambda (msg) (simple-format #f "~a" msg)) msgs)
                 " ") "\n")

;; alias for displayln
(define debug displayln)


 (ice-9 exceptions))

(define char->string
  (λ (c)
     (list c))))

(define string->char
  (λ (str)
    "Convert a string, which has only one single character
into a character. This is useful, because some functions
expect a characters as input instead of a string."
     [(= (string-length str) 1)
      (car (string->list str))]
        (make-exception-with-message "trying to convert string of more than 1 
character to char")
        (make-exception-with-irritants (list str))
        (make-exception-with-origin 'string->char)))])))

#;(define has-prefix?
  (λ (str prefix)
    (= (string-prefix-length str prefix)
       (string-length prefix))))


(define list-prefix?
  (λ (lst lst-prefix)
     [(null? lst-prefix) #t]
     [(null? lst) #f]
       [(equal? (car lst) (car lst-prefix))
        (list-prefix? (cdr lst) (cdr lst-prefix))]
       [else #f])])))


(define absolute-path?
  (λ (path)
    "Check, whether the given path is an absolute path."
    ;; Guile already offers a function for this, but it is a
    ;; little bit strangely named. We only give it an alias.
    (absolute-file-name? path)))

(define path-join
  (λ (path1 . other-path-parts)
    "Join paths using the system preferred separator."
    (debug "joining path parts:" (cons path1 other-path-parts))
     (λ (p2 p1)
        [(null? p2) p1]
        [(absolute-path? p2) p2]
         (let ([dir-sep (car (string->list file-name-separator-string))])
            ;; Remove any trailing separators to make sure
            ;; there is only one separator, when the paths
            ;; are concattenated.
            (string-trim-right p1 (λ (char) (char=? char dir-sep)))
            ;; Concat the paths with the separator in the
            ;; middle.
            (char->string dir-sep)
            ;; We already know p2 is not an absolute path.
     (cons path1 other-path-parts))))

(define path-split
  (λ (path)
    "Split a path by the preferred separator of the system."
    (string-split path (string->char file-name-separator-string))))

(define absolute-path
  (lambda* (path
             (dirname (or (current-filename)
                          (canonicalize-path ".")))))
     [(absolute-path? path) path]
      ;; In case the path is not absolute already, we look
      ;; for it in the current directory.
      (let next-parent ([path-parts
                          (path-join working-directory path))])
        (debug "current path-parts:" path-parts)
         ;; WARNING: This part is not OS independent. An
         ;; absolute path does not have to start with the
         ;; separator string in all OS.
         [(null? path-parts) file-name-separator-string]
          (let ([path-str (apply path-join path-parts)])
            (debug "current path-str:" path-str)
                (λ (exception)
                  (debug "an exception was raised:" exception)
                   [(and (eq? (exception-kind exception)
                         (string=? (car (exception-irritants exception))
                                   "No such file or directory"))
                    ;; Try to check if the path to the
                    ;; parent directory exists and is an
                    ;; absolute path instead.
                    (debug "the exception is about the path not existing")
                    (apply path-join
                           (list (next-parent (drop-right path-parts 1))
                                 (last path-parts)))]
                    (debug "unexpected exception:" exception)]))
              (λ ()
                (debug "trying to canonicalize-path" path-str)
                (canonicalize-path path-str))
              #:unwind? #t))]))])))

But then I thought about it and realized, that this is not OS
independent. Not every OS must have the convention of starting absolute
paths with the separator string.

So I wonder: Is there a function in Guile, which translates a path like
"/a/b/c" into an equivalent on the current OS?

I think in Python 3 the rule is for example to always use "/" as a
separator and Python will take care of translating that to the
underlying OS. Not sure how it handles making absolute paths, but I
could imagine, that one could use this "slash first means absolute path"
kind of path language and then Guile internally translates that to the
underlying OS' absolute path.



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