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03/03: publish: Add keep-alive support when sending nar.

From: guix-commits
Subject: 03/03: publish: Add keep-alive support when sending nar.
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2021 03:11:51 -0400 (EDT)

mothacehe pushed a commit to branch master
in repository guix.

commit 0b8fa24bbd3576a8b20f27930e9a6b296e6b6068
Author: Mathieu Othacehe <>
AuthorDate: Thu May 20 10:42:56 2021 +0200

    publish: Add keep-alive support when sending nar.
    The default Guile web server implementation supports the keep alive
    mechanism. However, in our custom http-write implementation, the connection
    is unconditionally close after sending nar files.
    To prevent that, when supported, add the client port to the server poll set 
    that further requests can be handled without closing the connection.
    * guix/scripts/publish.scm (nar-response-port): Rename it into ...
    (nar-compressed-port): ... this procedure. Operate directly on a given PORT.
    (http-write): Add keep-alive support when sending nar files.
    * guix/scripts/substitute.scm (process-substitution): Pass the download size
    to the progress-report-port procedure so that it doesn't block reading from
    the input port when keep-alive is supported.
 guix/scripts/publish.scm    | 135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 guix/scripts/substitute.scm |   7 ++-
 2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 41 deletions(-)

diff --git a/guix/scripts/publish.scm b/guix/scripts/publish.scm
index c37ece7..f35f81d 100644
--- a/guix/scripts/publish.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/publish.scm
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
   #:use-module (ice-9 binary-ports)
   #:use-module (ice-9 format)
   #:use-module (ice-9 match)
+  #:use-module (ice-9 poll)
   #:use-module (ice-9 regex)
   #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
   #:use-module (ice-9 threads)
@@ -870,60 +871,115 @@ example: \"/foo/bar\" yields '(\"foo\" \"bar\")."
       exp ...)
     (const #f)))
-(define (nar-response-port response compression)
-  "Return a port on which to write the body of RESPONSE, the response of a
-/nar request, according to COMPRESSION."
+(define (nar-compressed-port port compression)
+  "Return a port on which to write the body of the response of a /nar request,
+according to COMPRESSION."
   (match compression
     (($ <compression> 'gzip level)
      ;; Note: We cannot used chunked encoding here because
      ;; 'make-gzip-output-port' wants a file port.
-     (make-gzip-output-port (response-port response)
+     (make-gzip-output-port port
                             #:level level
                             #:buffer-size %default-buffer-size))
     (($ <compression> 'lzip level)
-     (make-lzip-output-port (response-port response)
+     (make-lzip-output-port port
                             #:level level))
     (($ <compression> 'zstd level)
-     (make-zstd-output-port (response-port response)
+     (make-zstd-output-port port
                             #:level level))
     (($ <compression> 'none)
-     (response-port response))
+     port)
-     (response-port response))))
+     port)))
 (define (http-write server client response body)
   "Write RESPONSE and BODY to CLIENT, possibly in a separate thread to avoid
+  ;; XXX: The default Guile web server implementation supports the keep-alive
+  ;; mechanism.  However, as we run our own modified version of the http-write
+  ;; procedure, we need to access a few server implementation details to keep
+  ;; it functional.
+  (define *error-events*
+    (logior POLLHUP POLLERR))
+  (define *read-events*
+    POLLIN)
+  (define *events*
+    (logior *error-events* *read-events*))
+  ;; Access the server poll set variable.
+  (define http-poll-set
+    (@@ (web server http) http-poll-set))
+  ;; Copied from (web server http).
+  (define (keep-alive? response)
+    (let ((v (response-version response)))
+      (and (or (< (response-code response) 400)
+               (= (response-code response) 404))
+           (case (car v)
+             ((1)
+              (case (cdr v)
+                ((1) (not (memq 'close (response-connection response))))
+                ((0) (memq 'keep-alive (response-connection response)))))
+             (else #f)))))
+  (define (keep-alive port)
+    "Add the given PORT the server poll set."
+    (force-output port)
+    (poll-set-add! (http-poll-set server) port *events*))
+  (define compression
+    (assoc-ref (response-headers response) 'x-nar-compression))
   (match (response-content-type response)
     (('application/x-nix-archive . _)
-     ;; Sending the the whole archive can take time so do it in a separate
-     ;; thread so that the main thread can keep working in the meantime.
-     (call-with-new-thread
-      (lambda ()
-        (set-thread-name "publish nar")
-        (let* ((compression (assoc-ref (response-headers response)
-                                       'x-nar-compression))
-               (response    (write-response (sans-content-length response)
-                                            client))
-               (port        (begin
-                              (force-output client)
-                              (configure-socket client)
-                              (nar-response-port response compression))))
-          ;; XXX: Given our ugly workaround for <> in
-          ;; 'render-nar', BODY here is just the file name of the store item.
-          ;; We call 'write-file' from here because we know that's the only
-          ;; way to avoid building the whole nar in memory, which could
-          ;; quickly become a real problem.  As a bonus, we even do
-          ;; sendfile(2) directly from the store files to the socket.
-          (swallow-zlib-error
-           (swallow-EPIPE
-            (write-file (utf8->string body) port)))
-          (swallow-zlib-error
-           (close-port port))
-          (values)))))
+     ;; When compressing the NAR on the go, we cannot announce its size
+     ;; beforehand to the client. Hence, the keep-alive mechanism cannot work
+     ;; here.
+     (let ((keep-alive? (and (eq? (compression-type compression) 'none)
+                             (keep-alive? response))))
+       ;; Add the client to the server poll set, so that we can receive
+       ;; further requests without closing the connection.
+       (when keep-alive?
+         (keep-alive client))
+       ;; Sending the the whole archive can take time so do it in a separate
+       ;; thread so that the main thread can keep working in the meantime.
+       (call-with-new-thread
+        (lambda ()
+          (set-thread-name "publish nar")
+          (let* ((response    (write-response (sans-content-length response)
+                                              client))
+                 (port        (begin
+                                (force-output client)
+                                (configure-socket client)
+                                ;; Duplicate the response port, so that it is
+                                ;; not automatically closed when closing the
+                                ;; returned port.  This is needed for the
+                                ;; keep-alive mechanism.
+                                (nar-compressed-port
+                                 (duplicate-port
+                                  (response-port response) "w+0b")
+                                 compression))))
+            ;; XXX: Given our ugly workaround for <>
+            ;; in 'render-nar', BODY here is just the file name of the store
+            ;; item.  We call 'write-file' from here because we know that's
+            ;; the only way to avoid building the whole nar in memory, which
+            ;; could quickly become a real problem.  As a bonus, we even do
+            ;; sendfile(2) directly from the store files to the socket.
+            (swallow-zlib-error
+             (swallow-EPIPE
+              (write-file (utf8->string body) port)))
+            (swallow-zlib-error
+             (close-port port)
+             (unless keep-alive?
+               (close-port client)))
+            (values))))))
      (match (assoc-ref (response-headers response) 'x-raw-file)
        ((? string? file)
+        (when (keep-alive? response)
+          (keep-alive client))
         ;; Send a raw file in a separate thread.
          (lambda ()
@@ -933,19 +989,20 @@ blocking."
                (call-with-input-file file
                  (lambda (input)
                    (let* ((size     (stat:size (stat input)))
-                          (response (write-response (with-content-length 
-                                                                         size)
-                                                    client))
+                          (response (write-response
+                                     (with-content-length response size)
+                                     client))
                           (output   (response-port response)))
                      (configure-socket client)
                      (if (file-port? output)
                          (sendfile output input size)
                          (dump-port input output))
-                     (close-port output)
+                     (unless (keep-alive? response)
+                       (close-port output))
              (lambda args
-               ;; If the file was GC'd behind our back, that's fine.  Likewise 
-               ;; the client closes the connection.
+               ;; If the file was GC'd behind our back, that's fine.  Likewise
+               ;; if the client closes the connection.
                (unless (memv (system-error-errno args)
                              (list ENOENT EPIPE ECONNRESET))
                  (apply throw args))
diff --git a/guix/scripts/substitute.scm b/guix/scripts/substitute.scm
index 8e4eae0..54311c3 100755
--- a/guix/scripts/substitute.scm
+++ b/guix/scripts/substitute.scm
@@ -518,8 +518,11 @@ PORT."
                      ;; Keep RAW open upon completion so we can later reuse
-                     ;; the underlying connection.
-                     (progress-report-port reporter raw #:close? #f)))
+                     ;; the underlying connection.  Pass the download size so
+                     ;; that this procedure won't block reading from RAW.
+                     (progress-report-port reporter raw
+                                           #:close? #f
+                                           #:download-size dl-size)))
                   ((input pids)
                    ;; NOTE: This 'progress' port of current process will be
                    ;; closed here, while the child process doing the

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