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[bug#41695] [PATCH] Update Go to v1.14.4

From: Jack Hill
Subject: [bug#41695] [PATCH] Update Go to v1.14.4
Date: Fri, 5 Jun 2020 17:07:03 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Alpine 2.20 (DEB 67 2015-01-07)


On Wed, 3 Jun 2020, Katherine Cox-Buday wrote:

There are too many dependent Go packages to test, but I compiled
syncthing which should be a reasonably representative test.

Thanks for working on updating Go.

I have rebuilt all the packages reported by `guix refresh -l go`. The three failures were stress-make, which was already broken (build log attached), mongodb-tools, which was already broken [0], and docker (build log attached).


Reading through the Go release notes [1], the following change to the net/url package caught my eye:

When parsing of a URL fails (for example by Parse or ParseRequestURI), the resulting Error message will now quote the unparsable URL. This provides clearer structure and consistency with other parsing errors.

I think this could be the cause of the docker test failure. Should we patch docker or perhaps try to update it?


Another item from the release notes about changes to the Go runtime:

A consequence of the implementation of preemption is that on Unix systems, including Linux and macOS systems, programs built with Go 1.14 will receive more signals than programs built with earlier releases. This means that programs that use packages like syscall or will see more slow system calls fail with EINTR errors. Those programs will have to handle those errors in some way, most likely looping to try the system call again. For more information about this see man 7 signal for Linux systems or similar documentation for other systems.

I didn't notice any problems caused by this during package rebuilds and testing, but it sounds like something that could be difficult to write automated tests for, so we should probably be on the lookout for future problems at runtime.

I'm happy to see that that the go modules changes didn't cause us any problems with this upgrade.

As far as I can tell, once the problem with docker is addressed, this patch could be applied, perhaps after updating Katherine copyright line.

I am curious, why switch to using git-fetch?


Attachment: docker-build-log
Description: Binary data

Attachment: stress-make-log
Description: Binary data

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