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[bug#42888] [PATCH] gnu: rust: Fix install phase for non-x86_64 platform

From: Pierre Langlois
Subject: [bug#42888] [PATCH] gnu: rust: Fix install phase for non-x86_64 platforms.
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2020 15:12:08 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 26.3

Hello Guix!

In an optimistic attempt to eventually have Icecat on a Pinebook Pro, I
thought I'd try and get rust building on aarch64. Here's a fix for the
post-install phase that had an x86 triplet hardcoded. With this we're
able to start off the bootstrap chain!

That being said, each step takes ~5 hours on this machine so this is
going to take a while :-), it's currently working on 1.23.

So, I suppose this should go into either core-updates or staging? WDYT?


Attachment: 0001-gnu-rust-Fix-install-phase-for-non-x86_64-platforms.patch
Description: Text Data

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