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[bug#47704] [PATCH] services: mysql: Add extra-environment as configurat

From: david larsson
Subject: [bug#47704] [PATCH] services: mysql: Add extra-environment as configuration option.
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 20:06:14 +0200

On 2021-04-11 17:33, Maxime Devos wrote:
> Please corect the galera package to refer to the coreutils (ls, stat,
> ...)
> by absolute file name instead, using something like
> (add-after 'install
>   (substitute* "INSTALL-LOCATION/wsrep_sst_rsync"
>     (("\\bls\\b") (string-append (assoc-ref inputs "coreutils")
> "/bin/ls"))
>     ...))
> (Likewise for rsync, gawk, iproute ...)

I don't think this is a nice solution because for every update to the mysql package would mean to verify that we are actually hitting a bunch of spread out invocations of external programs inside those shell scripts with the regex in the (substitute* .. procedure. I would suggest instead to define a variable like say: (define %default-mysqld-environment #~(list (string-append #$gawk "/bin/awk") ..) which contains all the external commands invoked from the shell scripts in the mysql/bin folder, and append that to the extra-environment list.

 I agree it
would be nice to patch all the shell scripts in the $#mysql/bin folder
but this would 1. require maintaining all the additional patching of
those scripts as part of the mysql package

This shouldn't be complicated, though possibly somewhat tedious.
I took a look at
(your hash may vary).  The following should be ‘absolutised’:

* In wsrep_sst_mariabackup:

  if pv --help 2>/dev/null | grep -q FORMAT;then
  xbcrypt (*)
  [more things]
* In wsrep_sst_*: other things (eg. rm)

The following shouldn't be required, and could be commented out:
# Setting the path for lsof on CentOS
export PATH="/usr/sbin:/sbin:$PATH"

It's a little tedious, but it should be worth it.  This could be done
in the post-install phase of mariadb.

I find this to be too tedious, and since it introduces maintenance hassle I would prefer my suggestion above.

For an (almost) good example on
how to ‘absolutise’, see 'xvfb-run'.  Actually, it uses "which" which
is incorrect when cross-compiling, but that can be worked-around by
adding (setenv "PATH" (string-append BINDIR-OF-INPUTS-COREUTILS ":"
                                     BINDIR-OF-INPUTS-AWK ...))

About xbcrypt (*): I have no idea from which package this comes.
Is it an optional dependency?  If it is optional, _not_ patching it
could make sense, as to avoid increasing the closure.  This would


That said, if that's too much work or too error-prone, I've an alternative proposal below, which is a little more ‘high level’ than asking the user to
spell out the PATH:

Take a look at 'nscd-shepherd-service' in gnu/serices/base.scm:

  (list (string-append "LD_LIBRARY_PATH="
            (map (lambda (dir)
              (string-append dir "/lib"))
            (list #$@name-services))

Replace LD_LIBRARY_PATH with PATH.  Add a "extensions" field to
<mysql-configuration>.  Replace 'name-services' with 'extensions'.

Not sure if you mean to keep /lib in the above procedure and use this for Galera's .so file, or to help set the PATH for the external programs invoked from the shell scripts?

AFAIK the galera service requires you to specify the full path to the .so either way, and if you meant to use /bin instead of /lib above; the binaries of the external programs that are needed are sometimes in out/sbin and sometimes in out/bin so this would unfortunately miss programs occasionally.

Procedures you need to modify:
  * mysql-cofiguration-file: add the field to $ <mysql-configuration>
  * mysql-shepherd-service: add #:environment-variables as appropriate
  * mysql-upgrade-shepherd-service: also, maybe, I don't know?

Possible problems: maybe some scripts need some additional environment
variables.  Mabe provide both an "extensions" field, and an
"extra-environment" field, and combine the results?

Possibly. What would you say about opening a separate bug report and potentially fix those things in separate PATCH-set? The mysql-upgrade service in particular is something I don't know whether it could benefit from adding some things to the PATH.

For the patch as you've submitted it, the lack of a system test shouldn't be a problem, as Guix System doesn't support mariadb + galera. The system test is more for if ‘we’ add a 'galera' field to 'mysql-configuration' as
I suggested.


The "escape hatch" would therefore be very useful for now, and
less hassle to maintain - compare with for example the vpn service and
the amount of emails in the lists regarding lack of options that could
have easily been added via some g-expression strings.

Somewhat off-topic, which e-mails would these be?

This one for example: But I would also assume that some of the interest in using network-manager's vpn plugin is due to it being hard to cover all the options in openvpn-client-configuration. (There was also an issue with cert and key options being mandatory in openvpn-client-configuration)

Agreed.  I believe the current plan is to:

* add the 'extra-environment' escape hatch.
* (possibly [dubious-discuss]) Add the extensions field (a list of
  package objects).  This adds the listed packages to PATH.
  Slightly neater than 'extra-environment', but is not as general
  as 'extra-environment'.
* The contents of 'extra-environment' and and 'extensions' are merged.

Can we do or discuss these things in a separately filed BUG report or PATCH?

Best regards,

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