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[bug#49280] [PATCH 3/4] gnu: racket-next: Unbundle racket-next-minimal.

From: Philip McGrath
Subject: [bug#49280] [PATCH 3/4] gnu: racket-next: Unbundle racket-next-minimal.
Date: Tue, 29 Jun 2021 17:57:41 -0400

This takes advantage of improvements since the Racket 8.1 release in support
for layered and tethered installation.

* gnu/packages/racket.scm (extend-layer): New private variable. This is a
script for configuring a new config-tethered layer chaining to an existing
Racket installation.
* gnu/packages/racket.scm (racket-next)[source](snippet): Unbundle
[inputs]: Stop inheriting from `racket`. Remove inputs that properly
beling to `racket-next-minimal`.
[native-inputs]: Add `racket-next-minimal` and `extend-layer`.
[arguments]: Stop inheriting from `racket`.
Add phase 'unpack-packages to move the sources and links file into place.
Replace 'configure phase using `extend-layer`.
Replace 'build phase using `raco setup`.
Delete 'install phase.
 gnu/packages/racket.scm | 202 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 201 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/gnu/packages/racket.scm b/gnu/packages/racket.scm
index 363f19825b..cf0240be5c 100644
--- a/gnu/packages/racket.scm
+++ b/gnu/packages/racket.scm
@@ -272,4 +272,204 @@ languages such as Typed Racket, R5RS and R6RS Scheme, 
Algol 60, and Datalog.")))
        (uri (string-append %pre-release-installers
-                           "racket-src.tgz"))))))
+                           "racket-src.tgz"))
+       (snippet
+        (with-imported-modules '((guix build utils)
+                                 (ice-9 match)
+                                 (ice-9 regex))
+          #~(begin
+              (use-modules (guix build utils)
+                           (ice-9 match)
+                           (ice-9 regex))
+              ;; unbundle minimal Racket
+              (for-each delete-file-recursively
+                        '("collects"
+                          "doc"
+                          "etc"
+                          "README"
+                          "src"))
+              ;; unbundle package sources included elsewhere
+              (define (substitute/delete file pattern)
+                (substitute
+                 file
+                 (list (cons pattern
+                             (lambda (line matches)
+                               ;; must match exactly once
+                               (match matches
+                                 ((m)
+                                  (string-append (match:prefix m)
+                                                 (match:suffix m)))))))))
+              (define (unbundle-pkg pkg)
+                (define quoted-pkg (regexp-quote pkg))
+                (with-directory-excursion "share"
+                  (substitute/delete
+                   "links.rktd"
+                   (string-append
+                    "[(][^()]+[(]#\"pkgs\" #\""
+                    quoted-pkg
+                    "\"[)][)]"))
+                  (with-directory-excursion "pkgs"
+                    (substitute/delete
+                     "pkgs.rktd"
+                     (string-append
+                      "[(]\""
+                      quoted-pkg
+                      "\" \\. #s[(]"
+                      "(pkg-info|[(]sc-pkg-info pkg-info 3[)])"
+                      " [(][^()]+[)] [^()]+[)][)]"))
+                    (delete-file-recursively pkg))))
+              (unbundle-pkg "racket-lib"))))))
+    (inputs
+     `(("cairo" ,cairo)
+       ("fontconfig" ,fontconfig)
+       ("glib" ,glib)
+       ("glu" ,glu)
+       ("gmp" ,gmp)
+       ("gtk+" ,gtk+)                   ; propagates gdk-pixbuf+svg
+       ("libjpeg" ,libjpeg-turbo)
+       ("libpng" ,libpng)
+       ("libx11" ,libx11)
+       ("mesa" ,mesa)
+       ("mpfr" ,mpfr)
+       ("pango" ,pango)
+       ("unixodbc" ,unixodbc)
+       ("libedit" ,libedit)))
+    (native-inputs
+     `(("racket" ,racket-next-minimal)
+       ("extend-layer" ,extend-layer)))
+    (arguments
+     `(#:phases
+       (modify-phases %standard-phases
+         (add-before 'configure 'unpack-packages
+           (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+             (let ((racket (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "racket"))
+                   (prefix (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+               (mkdir-p (string-append prefix "/share/racket/pkgs"))
+               (copy-recursively
+                "share/links.rktd"
+                (string-append prefix "/share/racket/links.rktd"))
+               (copy-recursively
+                "share/pkgs"
+                (string-append prefix "/share/racket/pkgs"))
+               #t)))
+         (replace 'configure
+           (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+             (let ((racket (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs) "racket"))
+                   (prefix (assoc-ref outputs "out")))
+               (apply invoke
+                      (string-append racket "/bin/racket")
+                      (assoc-ref inputs "extend-layer")
+                      racket
+                      prefix
+                      (map
+                       (lambda (lib)
+                         (string-append (assoc-ref inputs lib) "/lib"))
+                       '("cairo"
+                         "fontconfig"
+                         "glib"
+                         "glu"
+                         "gmp"
+                         "gtk+"
+                         "libjpeg"
+                         "libpng"
+                         "libx11"
+                         "mesa"
+                         "mpfr"
+                         "pango"
+                         "unixodbc"
+                         "libedit")))
+               #t)))
+         (replace 'build
+           (lambda* (#:key native-inputs inputs outputs #:allow-other-keys)
+             (invoke (string-append (assoc-ref (or native-inputs inputs)
+                                               "racket")
+                                    "/bin/racket")
+                     "--config"
+                     (string-append (assoc-ref outputs "out")
+                                    "/etc/racket")
+                     "-l"
+                     "raco"
+                     "setup")
+             #t))
+         ;; we still don't have these:
+         (delete 'install))
+       #:tests? #f))))
+(define extend-layer
+  (scheme-file
+   "extend-layer.rkt"
+   `(module
+     extend-layer racket/base
+     (require racket/cmdline
+              racket/match
+              racket/file
+              racket/list
+              racket/pretty)
+     (define config-file-pth
+       "etc/racket/config.rktd")
+     (define (build-path-string . args)
+       (path->string (apply build-path args)))
+     (define rx:racket
+       ;; Guile's reader doesn't support #rx"racket"
+       (regexp "racket"))
+     (command-line
+      #:args (parent-layer prefix . lib-dir*)
+      (let* ([config
+              (for/fold
+               ([config (file->value (build-path parent-layer
+                                                 config-file-pth))])
+               ([spec (in-list
+                       '((lib-dir lib-search-dirs "lib/racket")
+                         (share-dir share-search-dirs "share/racket")
+                         (links-file
+                          links-search-files
+                          "share/racket/links.rktd")
+                         (pkgs-dir pkgs-search-dirs "share/racket/pkgs")
+                         (bin-dir bin-search-dirs "bin")
+                         (man-dir man-search-dirs "share/man")
+                         (doc-dir doc-search-dirs "share/doc/racket")
+                         (include-dir
+                          include-search-dirs
+                          "include/racket")))])
+               (match-define (list main-key search-key pth) spec)
+               (hash-set*
+                config
+                main-key
+                (build-path-string prefix pth)
+                search-key
+                (list* #f
+                       (hash-ref config
+                                 main-key
+                                 (build-path-string parent-layer pth))
+                       (filter values (hash-ref config search-key null)))))]
+             [config
+              (hash-set config
+                        'apps-dir
+                        (build-path-string prefix "share/applications"))]
+             [config
+              ;; place new foreign lib-search-dirs before old
+              ;; foreign dirs, but after Racket layers
+              (let-values
+                  ([(rkt extra)
+                    (partition (lambda (pth)
+                                 (or (not pth)
+                                     (regexp-match? rx:racket pth)))
+                               (hash-ref config 'lib-search-dirs))])
+                (hash-set config
+                          'lib-search-dirs
+                          (append rkt
+                                  lib-dir*
+                                  extra)))]
+             [bin-dir
+              (hash-ref config 'bin-dir)]
+             [config
+              (hash-set* config
+                         'config-tethered-console-bin-dir bin-dir
+                         'config-tethered-gui-bin-dir bin-dir)]
+             [new-config-pth
+              (build-path prefix config-file-pth)])
+        (make-parent-directory* new-config-pth)
+        (call-with-output-file*
+         new-config-pth
+         (lambda (out)
+           (pretty-write config out))))))))

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