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[bug#49517] [PATCH] gnu: txr: Build documentation and update to 265.

From: Kaz Kylheku
Subject: [bug#49517] [PATCH] gnu: txr: Build documentation and update to 265.
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2021 15:51:51 -0700
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.9.2

On 2021-07-17 02:57, Guillaume Le Vaillant wrote:

When testing the patch to build the HTML and PDF documentation,
I noticed that the 'share/doc/txr-263/txr-manpage.pdf' file is not
reproducible. There are some timestamps and UUIDs in it that change at
each build (diffoscope output attached).

Could you take a look at that and see if there's a way to make it

Hi Guillaume,

Thank you for your report. I don't see anything in the pdfroff documentation
about getting rid of this. I might use a program similar to this one
to just overwrite the UUIDs and dates:

(let* ((pdf (file-get-string "txr-manpage.pdf"))
       (start (search-str pdf "<?xpacket begin="))
       (end (if start (search-str pdf "<?xpacket end" start)))
       (xml (if end [pdf start..end]))
       (orig-len (len xml)))
  (unless xml
    (format *stderr* "XML block not found in PDF")
    (exit nil))
  (upd xml
    (regsub #/uuid:........-....-....-....-............/
    (regsub #/Date>....-..-..T..:..:..-..:../
  (assert (eql (len xml) orig-len))
  (set [pdf start..end] xml)
  (file-put-string "txr-manpage.pdf.temp" pdf)
  (rename-path "txr-manpage.pdf.temp" "txr-manpage.pdf"))

I have some questions.

1. When, for the sake of reproducible binary builds,
   we replace date stamps with fixed dates, is there a preference for
   what date to use? I used the Unix epoch, as you can see.

   I'm aware of the convention involving the environment
   variable SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH.

   Should I use that?

2. Is there some recommended practice with regard to some
   ./configure option or environment/make variable to react to
   for ensuring reproducible builds? So that is to say, suppose
   I don't wish to do the above embedded XML cleaning, except
   when building for a distro that strives for reproducibility.

   For opting in to reproducibilty, should I again rely on
   SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH and have the build react to it?

Thanks ...

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