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[bug#49713] [PATCH 2/3] gnu: Add libigl.

From: Ivan Gankevich
Subject: [bug#49713] [PATCH 2/3] gnu: Add libigl.
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2021 23:18:54 +0300

Can we provide test data as input?

I’ve added test data and enabled tests.

+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_CGAL=ON"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_COMISO=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_CORK=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_EMBREE=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_MATLAB=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_MOSEK=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_OPENGL=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_PNG=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_TETGEN=OFF"
+              "-DLIBIGL_WITH_XML=OFF")
In Guix we prefer to build packages as feature-complete as possible.
Obviously MATLAB won't work unless they also accept octave, but you
might want to at least enable some of the low-hanging fruits such as
XML or OpenGL.  If it's about having a minimal package, simply provide
a -minimal variant as well.

This library is header-only. All the dependencies from this list are used in the
tests. Headers that use these dependencies are installed no matter which
dependenies are “ON” in this list. I’ve added XML. Adding other dependencies
would require rewriting most of “cmake/libigl.cmake” file, because the
authors of the package like to download and build all the dependencies manually.

+        #:tests? #f
Don't leave #:tests? #f uncommented.

Enabled tests.

+    (description "The library provides functionality for shape
+visualization, matrix manipulation.")
s/The/This/ ?


Thanks for your corrections. I’ve sent the updated version of this patch via
“git send-email”.


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