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[bug#51838] [PATCH v6 05/41] guix: node-build-system: Add 'delete-depend

From: Philip McGrath
Subject: [bug#51838] [PATCH v6 05/41] guix: node-build-system: Add 'delete-dependencies' helper function.
Date: Fri, 7 Jan 2022 23:14:00 -0500
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On 1/5/22 16:04, Liliana Marie Prikler wrote:
Am Mittwoch, dem 05.01.2022 um 14:08 -0500 schrieb Philip McGrath:
In case it helps at all to state my position more fully: with or
without Guix, I think a major purpose, perhaps even the primary
purpose, of _any_ build system is to relieve users (including
ourselves) of the cognitive burden of lower-level details. Build
systems are a means of abstraction and encapsulation.

I agree with you that abstractions ought to help, but we do have some
disagreements about the amount by which certain abstractions help.
Those are gut feeling value judgements, they're not all entirely

I hope this is just a matter of some nuance in the connotation of
the word "gratuitous" not coming across properly, but I would
appreciate the same consideration being extended to my perspective.

Almost tautologically, I don't think adding '#:absent-dependencies'
would be gratuitous, or I wouldn't have proposed it.
Generally, keywords are reserved for a few special operations.  I don't
currently have the time to write them all up, but suffice it to say I
don't believe the way #:absent-dependencies would be used fits into any
of those.  I can write that up in a later message if you feel it's
imporant enough.

It isn't needed right now, since we've agreed to go ahead without '#:absent-dependencies', but, since I do intend to propose '#:absent-dependencies' immediately thereafter, I think it would be useful: this seems to get close to the core of the disagreement we've been having for the last ... couple months?

I don't see a reason why we should hesitate to use keywords when they enable especially nice code. Actually, I've sometimes wished build systems would '#:allow-other-keys'.

I'd expect '#:absent-dependencies' to be more common for 'node-build-system' packages than '#:tests?', since I'd expect almost every package that would use '#:tests? #f', plus a significant number that wouldn't, to use '#:absent-dependencies'.

Jumping back to an earlier email:

On 12/30/21 21:46, Liliana Marie Prikler wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, dem 30.12.2021 um 20:09 -0500 schrieb Philip McGrath:
>> In my view, the high-level purpose of 'delete-dependencies',
>> '#:absent-dependencies', or whatever is to gather our collective
>> procedural knowledge about how to modify a "package.json" file to
>> build a package without some of the dependencies its developers have
>> declared and to encode that knowledge in a single, abstracted point
>> of control in 'node-build-system', so that authors of Node.js package
>> definitions can simply specify which declared dependencies are absent
>> and leave it to 'node-build-system' to act accordingly. (I don't
>> think it matters _why_ the dependencies are absent, i.e. whether we
>> don't want the them or merely don't have them.)
> For the record, you can delete present dependencies as well, which is
> one shortcoming in the "absent dependencies" metaphor.

>> It is unnecessarily flexible because, if a package author ever passes
>> some other value for '#:json-keys', that would seem to indicate that
>> there's some procedural knowledge missing from 'node-build-system',
>> and it should be added there.
> The reason I have it as such is that a packager might decide in the
> future to e.g. only drop a peer dependency, that might share a name
> with a dev dependency or something along those lines.

Since I don't think I've written it down before, my hope in describing them as "absent" dependencies was to state that they are absent from the build environment, while being as neutral as I could about _why_ they might be absent. In particular, I wanted to avoid the implications of "missing", which can have implications of "we don't know where X is" and "it would be better if we found X". One day, it would probably be nice to have 'node-aws-sdk' packaged for Guix, but, even if we knew the precise line number in "node-xyz.scm" where it we could find its definition, we would not want to use it while building 'node-sqlite3'.

So, having established that the adjectives are a little fuzzy, I don't understand what it would mean to "delete present dependencies". If they are present in the build environment, why delete them? If the issue is that they only are needed at build time, the 'install' phase of 'node-build-system' should already handle this by passing '--production' to 'npm install'.

If a "peerDependency" and a "devDependency" share a name, then they refer to the same package. I believe it would be an error (logically, that is: I do know npm would not raise an exception) to have a "peerDependency" that is also a "devDependency" or a "dependency": as I understand it (poorly!), peer dependencies are meant to be some weaker kind of relationship.

But again, none of this needs to stand in the way of merging this patch series.


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