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[bug#56608] [PATCH v2 1/2] gnu: security: Add fail2ban-service-type.

From: muradm
Subject: [bug#56608] [PATCH v2 1/2] gnu: security: Add fail2ban-service-type.
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 21:22:28 +0300
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.7; emacs 29.0.50


Here are comments only, changes will be with squashed patch later on.

Maxim Cournoyer <> writes:


Well done implementing the configuration records using
define-configuration! I believe it'll help its users avoiding mistakes.

Honestly, it was not very pleasant experience... IMHO :)
I see why you want it, but in my experience/opinion it is not right way..

Here are some comments for the guix.texi bits which are not
automatically generated:

muradm <> writes:


+This is the type of the service that runs @code{fail2ban} daemon. It can be
two spaces



+@item Permanent extending configuration
+service developers may not @code{fail2ban-service-type} in service-type's
                             ^ missing verb

Actually type s/not/use/, done.


+This is the type of the service that runs @code{fail2ban} daemon. It can be
two spaces



+  ;; excplicit configuration, this way fail2ban daemon
+  ;; will start and do its thing for sshd jail

Typo (excplicit). Also, please use full sentences for stand-alone
comments (with proper punctuation).



+  ;; there is no direct dependency with actual openssh
+  ;; server configuration, it could even be omitted here




+(define-configuration/no-serialization fail2ban-ignorecache-configuration
+  (key (string) "Cache key.")
+  (max-count (integer) "Cache size.")
+  (max-time (integer) "Cache time."))

Note that when you do not use a default value, you can leave out the

Done in all relevant places.


+(define serialize-fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration
+  (match-lambda
+    (($ <fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration> _ name mode)
+     (format #f "~a~a"
+ name (if (eq? 'unset mode) "" (format #f "[mode=~a]" mode))))))

You could use (ice-9 format) with a conditional formatting here. The
example from info '(guile) Formatted Output' is

(format #f "~:[false~;not false~]" 'abc) ⇒ "not false"

Done with ~@[] instead.

+(define (list-of-arguments? lst)
+  (every
+   (lambda (e) (and (pair? e)
+                    (string? (car e))
+                    (or (string? (cdr e))
+                        (list-of-strings? (cdr e)))))
+   lst))

It could be better to define a argument? predicate, use the 'list-of'
procedure from (gnu services configuration) on it.



+(define-maybe boolean (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe symbol (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))
+(define-maybe fail2ban-ignorecache-configuration (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-)) +(define-maybe fail2ban-jail-filter-configuration (prefix fail2ban-jail-configuration-))

Is using the prefix absolutely necessary? It makes things awkwardly
long. Since fail2ban-service-type it's the first citizen of (gnu
services security), it could enjoy the luxury of not using a prefix, in
my opinion.  Later services may need to define their own prefix.

There are already four configuration records which are somewhat
overlapping. Pay attention to *serialize-string functions.
Also security may/will have more stuff probably, why do
future contrubutors life harder. I feel bad/uncomfortable in
removing prefix and poluting name space, so I left it long.


+  (enabled

I'd use enabled? and employ a name normalizer (e.g., stripping any
trailing '?') in the boolean serializer.

Done including few other places.


+  (maxretry

I think we could use hyphen in the field names, and use a normalizer to strip them at serialization time (assuming hyphens are never allowed in
a key name).



+  (bantime.overalljails

We could have the normalization "bantime-" -> "bantime." done in the
serializers, to use more Schemey names.

Done, although I find it a bit fragile.


+  (ignorecommand
+   maybe-string
+ "External command that will take an tagged arguments to ignore. +Note: while provided, currently unimplemented in the context of @code{guix}.")

Then I'd remove it, as I don't see in which other context it would be

What I wanted to say here, is that field does not support gexp like
thing at the moment. Still if user really needs this, command
can be used from global package or via publishing to easy location
like /etc/scripts/some-tool.


+ "Can be a list of IP addresses, CIDR masks or DNS hosts. @code{fail2ban}
Please use two spaces after period.



+   "Filename(s) of the log files to be monitored.")

The convention in GNU is to use "file name" rather than "filename".

Done, however I just copied from fail2ban own documentation/code, so
I'm not very sure if such things should be fixed like this.


+ "Extra raw content to add at the end of @file{jail.local}."))
^the @file{jail.local} file.



+           (let* ((out (ungexp output)))
                  ^ use just let here



+(define (fail2ban-jail-service svc-type jail)
+  (service-type
+   (inherit svc-type)
+   (extensions
+    (append
+     (service-type-extensions svc-type)
+     (list (service-extension fail2ban-service-type
+                              (lambda _ (list jail))))))))
^ nitpick, but (compose list jail) is
                                 more common


That looks very good. I haven't checked the tests yet, but I think with the extra polishing suggested above, it should be in a good place to be
merged soon!



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