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[bug#59018] [PATCH 0/1] OAuth2 for mbsync

From: Peter Polidoro
Subject: [bug#59018] [PATCH 0/1] OAuth2 for mbsync
Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2022 09:55:35 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.11; emacs 28.2


Ludovic Courtès <> writes:

Packages usually have a search path environment variable for plugins. I don’t see one for cyrus-sasl (I just grepped for “getenv” so I might have overlooked it). The “Guix way” would be to have cyrus-sasl honor, say, $CYRUS_SASL_PLUGIN_PATH and look for plugins in those directories, add a search path to the package¹, and have the plugin installed in
$prefix/lib/sasl2 like you did.

Could you check whether cyrus-sasl already has such a mechanism, or add one (possibly discussing with upstream), and send updated patches?

Thank you for your help on this package.

According to the Cyrus SASL quickstart guide:

"Note that the library can use the environment variable SASL_PATH to locate the directory where the mechanisms are; this should be a colon-separated list of directories containing plugins."[1]

Unfortunately I still do not know enough about Guix packaging to set this environment variable properly, nor do I know how to properly set the installation path in the package configuration.

This plugin's build and installation instructions are:

sudo make install


Attachment: 0001-gnu-Add-cyrus-sasl-xoauth2.patch
Description: Text Data

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