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[bug#60640] Acknowledgement (Gnu: Add gdcm)

From: Tor-björn Claesson
Subject: [bug#60640] Acknowledgement (Gnu: Add gdcm)
Date: Sun, 08 Jan 2023 09:59:40 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2


This patch adds GDCM (a nice C++ library for DICOM, as in medical imaging),
with a few wharts:
1. I have not yet been able to build the bin output,
which consists of utilities for manipulating DICOM data. 

2. It does not build pdf-documentation, since that would require
texlive as a native input.

3. It does not perform tests.

4. It uses socketxx, ljpeg and papyrus3 from the gdcm sources. 

5. I'm not sure how to specify util-linux:bin as an input?

Tor-björn Claesson (GNU bug Tracking System) writes:

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Tor-björn Claesson

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