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bug#58681: [PATCH v2] gnu: Add synthpod.

From: Ricardo Wurmus
Subject: bug#58681: [PATCH v2] gnu: Add synthpod.
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2023 00:24:12 +0100
User-agent: mu4e 1.8.13; emacs 28.2

Sughosha <> writes:

> Thanks for reviewing the patch and improving it.
>> We should probably also wrap the scripts to set PATH to where “grep”,
> “coreutils”, “sed”, and “gawk” are found, but I wasn’t able to add (gnu
> packages gawk) to the imports of (gnu packages music).
> This is not the only package requiring such basic programs like "sed",
> "grep" etc but not wrapped or listed in inputs. The other such package that
> I am aware of is ardour, which also requires these programs. I tried
> running ardour in a guix shell with --emulate-fhs, then found that ardour
> could not start because these programs were not found in the PATH. So I am
> not sure if it is required to add these programs to inputs or to wrap them.

To me this means that we should also fix ardour, not that we should
ignore the problem in other packages :)

>> Unfortunately, the program crashes because it can’t find the LV2 files
> for Synthpod itself:
> I fixed it partially. The binaries are confusing. `synthpod_ui` seems like
> not to be run manually. The way that I found to run the ui is
> `synthpod_alsa -g` or `synthpod_jack -g`.
> Strangely, with the attatched new v3 patch, the program starts only if
> installed to guix profile (or maybe something else like guix home, not
> tested). Just by building, the program searches for "manifest.ttl" file
> in the current working directory and fails to start.

That’s odd, but perhaps it’s the default of an LV2 library that synthpod

The patch looks good enough to me, so I applied it.  Feel free to
revisit it at a later point to address the remaining minor issues.

Thank you!


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