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[Help-bash] How to keep only files match the prefix when do command comp

From: Peng Yu
Subject: [Help-bash] How to keep only files match the prefix when do command completion?
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2011 16:52:07 -0600


I have the following defined in bash. I'd like to complete commands for unsion by completing the profile files in ~/.unsion.

~$ complete -p unison
complete -o nospace -F _unison_command unison
~$ type _unison_command
_unison_command is a function
_unison_command ()
    COMPREPLY=(`find ~/.unison -name '*.prf' -printf '%f\n'`);
    return 0

When I type the following, it shows up every *.prf file in ~/.unison. I checked the usage in /etc/bash_completion, I don't see if I did anything obviously wrong. Yet, /etc/bash_completion can correctly do filtering, for example 'finger'.

unison some_prefix<TAB>

Could anybody let me know how to filter the command completion automatically? Thanks!


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