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Local variables for nested function calls

From: eduardo-chibas
Subject: Local variables for nested function calls
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 21:10:49 +0200

Are there other things to be unsatisfied with in addition to
`: "${fdir:="${@:$#}"}"}` and `fdir=${fdir:-default}`.

You are satisfied with


Would you also be satisfied with

: ${ctx:=8}

Was the problem mostly related to using a list such as `$@` together with the 

Have only started looking about these things a few days ago, so most of my 
on what to use in specific situations is likely wrong.  That's why I am asking
for some illumination on this list.

> Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2021 at 5:05 AM
> From: "Greg Wooledge" <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Local variables for nested function calls
> On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 06:55:19PM +0200, wrote:
> > Some object to this one,
> >
> > local foo=${foo:-default}
> Well, yeah, you can see why.  What was 'foo' set to previously?  Why are
> you only declaring it local *now*, after it possibly already had some
> value?
> I don't understand the intent of this command, at least not without
> some context, so it's difficult for me to approve of it.
> What are you actually trying to do?

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