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reading a job name from deallocated storage

From: G. Branden Robinson
Subject: reading a job name from deallocated storage
Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2022 02:39:41 +1100
User-agent: NeoMutt/20180716

Hi folks,

Does any one remember if this an already-fixed bug in Bash?  I'm running
a pretty old version.

GNU bash, version 5.0.3(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)

Long story short, I have a regression test script that needs to enable
job control (because I need to read from an unseekable file descriptor
that _isn't_ the standard input, and I chose /dev/tty because it's
fairly widely implemented).  So I start a process that reads from
/dev/tty, but since I've done that I need to background that process so
I can kill it.

I observe three things:

1. The name of the backgrounded job is misreported when I kill it;
   earlier, the name reported was "wail", a function internal to the
   script that is not anywhere in the process group of the backgrounded
2. If I go back earlier in the script and add "|| exit 77" to a couple
   of lines well before any of this job-handling stuff, the name of the
   backgrounded job turns into garbage bytes.
3. The garbage mutates on successive runs with no further changes to the

To me, this smells like a read from uninitialized/deallocated storage.

Before I go build a bleeding edge version of Bash and feed this script
to it, I was wondering if this problem sounded familiar to anyone.

Script attached.  The jobby bits are at the bottom.  It is for perusal,
not execution--if you try it against a released version of groff's
preconv(1) command, it will fail before getting to the behavior above.

(Yes, I am using "set -e".  I've already read all about why I shouldn't,
and my avoidance of it in other groff regression tests has proven



Description: Bourne shell script

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